Beauty of Nature||Beauty of my Area

in Steem For Pakistan3 months ago

Beauty of Nature||Beauty of my Area

Greeting Everyone!

Ihope you all friends will be are well and fine .Remember your friends and your relatives in your prayers For their good health .

Come straight to the point .Today I got up early in the morning .After that i performed ablution.After performing ablution i went out of my home and And I Went to Mosque for offering Prayer .I offered Namaz e Fajar.After that I recited verses of Holy QURAN.

After that I along with my friends for morning walk this morning walk is very good for health which is a fresh passion to our health. We should go for a morning walk daily, the cold cold air in the morning is very good for health.
After the morning walk, we all exercised together, which keeps our body fit. During the morning walk I saw the beautiful rice fields Which were looking very beautiful to the eyes .

After the morning walk I came back home and after that I went to a garden where I saw many beautiful flowers.

MY Photography with Flowers.


In the garden I saw many beautiful flowering plants and they were looking very beautiful, people were watching them again and again. There fragrance was spread everywhere. In the garden, I saw white Red,White,Pink flowers .People were making their mornings good there. The fragrance of flowers was pulling people towards them, people were watching flowers with great joy.People were praising the beauty of flowers .




I hope you have liked my photography that I will be waiting for your good comment and your appreciation.




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