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RE: What if you were the president of your country?

in Steem For Pakistan2 months ago

Very good presentation you have and very good thoughts about your own country as you said if you were the president of your country you play important role in its economic growth and democracy you are right. Or both are such aspects.Without those who are the guarantors of the development of the country, our country cannot move forward. There is one most important aspect of our country that needs to be controlled.I am very happy to know the expressed opinion, so I think every citizen should think for his country in this way and should take care of the improvement of his country.


Kepedulian setiap warga negara adalah mutlak diperlukan untuk mengontrol kekuasaan agar tetap berada di rel yang benar. Sementara disisi lain, pemegang kekuasaan harus menyadari bahwa mereka diberi mandat oleh rakyat untuk menghadirkan kemakmuran.

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