"One Picture And One Story Week #31. "THEY LAID DOWN THEIR LIVES FOR GOD! @rajithpriyasad


"One Picture And One Story Week #31" THEY LAID DOWN THEIR LIVES FOR GOD!

Photo taken in Samsung Galaxy S9+ By me



Hi Friends

Good day to all readers. Today I have decided to meet you with one more article. One picture, one story. This picture undoubtedly reminds the Sri Lankan people of a very sad story and also a very sad chapter.

Yesterday, April 21, was Easter Sunday and was celebrated with great pride by the world's Christians. Sri Lankan Christians also celebrated with great pride. But this does not mean that every Christian devotee has a problem and anxiety in his mind. That is because five years ago today, on 2019 April 21st, Sri Lankan Christians were subjected to a very brutal attack on Easter Sunday.

In this brutal attack, about two hundred and fifty Christians lost their lives and about five hundred were injured in Sri Lanka. This was a very serious terrorist attack, and it affected not only Sri Lankans but also foreign tourists. Children lost their parents and parents lost their children. This attack on the Christians who believed in God and prayed for their God on Easter Sunday was a heartbreaking event for all Sri Lankans.

Yesterday, five years later, they returned to the Easter sun-giving butterfly. But still in their hearts, they celebrated Easter Sunday again yesterday with anxiety over the lack of answers to the attack that resulted in the brutal killing of their lost brothers and sisters, relatives, friends and children. This photograph shows the memory of their Relatives who passed away in "ST. Sebastian's Church Katuwapitiya" suffered the main fatality in that series of attacks.

"ST. Sebastian's Church Katuwapitiya" One hundred and seventeen lives were lost and more than one hundred and fifty people were severely injured due to this brutal attack. That day was very dark and scary in their lives. In one case, he was isolated from his family and the whole family of another group was killed due to this act of terrorism. The roof of the church was almost destroyed and the interior of the church was severely damaged. Even though the churches were restored in a very short time with the support of the medical and security forces as well as the civil citizens, it is a fact understood by everyone who joins the service that the lives lost and the memories associated with it still haunt their lives today.

They did not forget to remember their brothers by offering bouquets at the memorial. It was heartbreaking for everyone. They begged God for justice to be done even though it had been five years since the murder of their comrades. It is the same request and wish of all Sri Lankan citizens of all religions. I wish with one heart that justice will be done to all those who died and are still disabled.

I pray that all the dead Christians find peace. Also, I wish a speedy recovery to all the Christians who are still disabled and to all the Sri Lankans and foreigners who were attacked.

This was not posted simply to offend or embarrass any religion. I also hope for the unity of all religions and nations. I pray that justice will be done for all the victims of this despicable attack.

Good day to you all...

Thank you for being with me. We will meet with you for the next article.

Thank you...

Please comment me for develop my writing skills......

Welcom friends :- @maheeshadesilva , @kateee21 , @sexysleek , @alyan-artsit , @desiree1996 , @beemengine

Achivement1 verified


Thank you for sharing this heartfelt article. The Easter Sunday attacks in Sri Lanka five years ago were truly tragic and have left a lasting impact on the people. My thoughts and prayers go out to all the victims, their families, and the entire nation of Sri Lanka. May justice prevail.

Nice to see your comment ma'am. I like to dedicate this comment to all victims person to make them strong. Thank you ma'am

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