Sec season 17-wk-3 ||The imaginations do happen real||

in Steem For Pakistan2 months ago
Greetings and blessings to all my friends.



Assalam o alaikum friends welcome to my blog I hope all of you well by the grace of almighty Allah ,it's pleasure for me to participate again in my beloved #stemforPakistan community in week 3 of season 17 in engagement challenge.The topic of this week really motivational for me and I love to share my personal experiences about the theme of this week how imagination played vital role in human well being and how helped us to targets and future goals achieving .

Before I starting my blog I would love to share friendly invitation to my friends to participate in wonderful contest @jyoti-thelight ,@inspiration ,@goodybest and @suboohi do guys let's start my blog I hope you all are being with me till end ❤️The contest post link share here

What do you understand by imagination?

Friends well if I talk about my own personal experiences and views about the imagination it's The part of the mind that imagine things and thought we reshaping in our mind with out any kind of boundaries just flying our thoughts on sky .I strongly believed that imagination are playing vital role in our life when we thinking about the brain power motivate us to become true that we thought so if our imagination are practically possible not base on fantastiy we working and trying to achieve it ,,like wise by first the dream or imagination of separate home land seen by first by Dr AllamaI Iqbal for the muslims of India then after struggled for freedomat last got Pakistan in 1947 ,so dreaming or good imagination first step of achieve goals towords your success.

What's the coolest thing you love imagining?

Well guys the coolest thing ever about imagination are so would used your brain and finding new possible ways for betterment in your life ,but not only dreaming or imagination gives you happiness or really joy in your lives you must struggle for it to achieve that so some time we all love to imagine some stupid thoughts that never be happen in real life but made up happy and satisfied when you thought it would possible Luke wise some time we imagine to live in franticy world and on that world you do as you want ever in your life but not practically possible but yes it happened in your imaginary world making up with your wishes that could not be possible true but still with you and you imagine that moments only in your imaginary world.

Do you believe there are some positive imaginations we can make real?

Yes definitely your positive imagination playing very essential role in all of us lives it's promoted your efforts in one direction and you will get that you imagine thats great mechanism given us by almighty Allah who gives brain in which human created ideas ,hopes ,wishes , emotions, planning target and work for it it's all about begin with our imagination that born and upbringing by us .

The best example of imagination comes true in my lives ,I love to share here my personal experience of my life about Steemit,well I am actively working on Steemit since last three years ,when I started work I seen many successful users who gives there best and got rewords in form of earning money and maintain there good repetition just because of hard work,I imagine on that time I will also follow up all of experience hard working users and try to do same as long term vision on that platform and alhudulliah I got my positive imagination turned real I am still actively working on Steemit with same enthusiasm as on my first day so imagination prepared you to faced hardships and challenges in lives if you will want to achieve some thing real or special.

Imagine the world is going to end next week. What will you do now?

Well I always imagine positive imagination and hope for good if it would happen the world to end I never frightening on that infact being a Muslim it's one of the pillar,s of Islam our faith one day the world going to end,only our good or bad deeds decide what matter will going on the day of judgement so trying to be good and do good and think positive and spread love and respect , brotherhood among the people who around by us .



I concluded my blog on that point imagination are the starting line of your success so think positive imagination and work for it but some time enjoying fantasy world just like me with your beautiful though would never be true but still alive in yours imaginary world ☺️☺️.
So guys it's all about from my side I hope you like it see you soon with my new blog till then take care and remember me in your prays, waiting for your valuable feedback Allah Hafiz.


There is quite so much power in imagination if only we can realise this and work towards it. It can change our world around positively if only we can make probably use of it

 2 months ago 

Ending the world by being good, thinking positively, and spreading love among the people around us is the best thing to do in other to see God, I wish you all the best in the contest 🎉

 2 months ago 

Thank 😊 you ma'am

 2 months ago 

Hola amiga, espero disfrute tu dia. Como lo dices la imaginacion es donde podemos hacer volar nuestros pensamientos sin limite alguno, en nuestras mente podemos construir maravillas de nuestra realidad. Espero tengas exitos en el desafio.

Dear madam you have impressed us with your wonderful writing. Can expect such a beautiful discussion about imagination. Actually I got a knowledge from your post. Coming to this Steemit platform, I have a lot of imagination. How successful can I be from one and how much can I earn from it? i can Imagination comes with these too. Which I think is positive thinking.

Many thanks for presenting us with a beautiful post. Good luck and stay healthy.

Hello dear how are you?
You well said sometime we imagine some stupid thought just to make us happy. I think that's why imagination plays very important role in our life.
I love to know how you turned your positive imagination into reality. It takes hard work to turn imagination into reality, which you did in these three years and you motivated me so much 😊❤️
Many blessings 💕

It is good that your strongly believe that imagination are playing vital role in our life. I have also . when we thinking about the brain power motivate us to become true that we thought so if our imagination are practically possible not base on fantastiy we working and trying to achieve it.

 2 months ago 

Assuming we envision that the world will end, mankind's reaction would probably envelop many activities driven by endurance impulses, dread, and a longing to track down importance despite possible obliteration. At first, there might be a race to guarantee individual security and that of friends and family by looking for shelter in safe areas or dugouts. Individuals would assemble fundamental assets like food, water, and medication to get ready for any looming calamity.

At a cultural level, legislatures and associations could cooperate to foster methodologies for moderating the possible calamity or for clearing populaces to more secure regions. Endeavors may be made to save information and social legacy through computerized chronicles or actual vaults in order to modify the world subsequently.

Otherworldly and philosophical reflections might emerge as people wrestle with the importance of life and the chance of a completion. Strict or profound social events could offer comfort and local area support.

As the end draws near, there may be thoughtful gestures and solidarity as individuals meet up to help each other. Some might decide to zero in on investing quality energy with friends and family, accommodating contrasts, or satisfying individual objectives.

Eventually, the chance of the world's end could provoke humankind to reconsider its needs and activities, endeavoring to discover a genuine sense of harmony, acknowledgment, and association during dubious times. You write very well dear best of luck. 😍

Best Regards
Maryam Nadeem

 2 months ago 

Thanks dear for your valuable feedback and time.
Have a nice day 😊☺️

 2 months ago 

Welcome dear best of luck. 😍

Your blog post beautifully highlights the power of imagination in shaping our goals and achievements. Imagination serves as the first step towards success, driving us to work hard and strive for our dreams. Positive imagination plays a crucial role in motivating us to achieve our aspirations and overcome challenges. Keep dreaming and working towards your goals.

 2 months ago 

Thanks dear for your lovely comment ❤️💗

 2 months ago 

Hello dear! Your exploration of imagination role in our lives is insightful and relatable. It is remarkable how imagination fuels our aspirations and drives us towards our goals. Your experience with Steemit is a testament to the power of positive imagination in achieving success. Keep sharing your inspiring journey

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