Myself zahid marwat once again in this community to participate in steemit engagement challenge season 7 and i hope all of you will enjoy my today entry. Its a honour for me to write in my own country community .I will try my best to present a best story for you guys.


As theme of today challenge is to write story .I have studied lots of stories so after recalling some of them i make my own story.


There are two main characters in this story , one is jack and second is old man.



Once upon a time, there was a young boy named Jack. Jack lived in a small village surrounded by lush forests and rolling hills. He was a curious and adventurous boy, always eager to explore the world around him.
One day, while playing in the woods, Jack became separated from his friends. He searched for them, but they were nowhere to be found. He soon realized that he was lost and had no idea how to get back to the village.
As the sun began to set, Jack grew scared. He was lost in a vast and unfamiliar forest, with no food, water, or shelter. He wandered aimlessly, hoping to find a way out. But the deeper he ventured into the forest, the more lost he became.
Days went by, and Jack began to lose hope. He was cold, hungry, and exhausted, and he didn't think he could last much longer. Just as he was about to give up, he stumbled upon a mysterious old man. The old man was kind and wise, and he took Jack under his wing.
The old man taught Jack how to survive in the forest, how to find food and water, and how to make a shelter. Jack was amazed by the old man's knowledge and wisdom, and he soon became his student. He learned about the plants and animals of the forest, and he discovered a love for nature that he never knew he had.
As Jack grew stronger and more confident, the old man began to tell him stories. He told Jack about the history of the forest, about the secrets that lay hidden within, and about the magical creatures that lived there. Jack was captivated by the stories and was eager to explore the forest and discover its secrets for himself.
And so, Jack set out on a journey of discovery. He explored the forest, made new friends, and learned about the world around him. He discovered the magic of the forest, and he was never lost again.
Years went by, and Jack became known as the greatest explorer of the forest. He wrote books about his adventures and inspired others to explore and discover the world around them. And even as he grew old, he never forgot the lessons he learned from the old man and the love for nature that had been awakened in him.
And so, Jack lived a long and fulfilled life, always exploring and discovering, and always inspiring others to follow in his footsteps. His legacy lived on, as people remembered him for his adventurous spirit, his love for nature, and his boundless curiosity.

I invite my friends to participate in this community.

 last year 

Good job sir

 last year 

Wow, what an amazing story! The tale of Jack and the old man is a true testament to the power of kindness and the impact that a wise mentor can have on someone's life. I love how the story showcases the beauty and magic of nature and the importance of exploring and discovering the world around us. The writing is vivid and captures the reader's imagination, making it easy to picture the lush forests and rolling hills. This is a truly inspiring story that will stay with me for a long time. Well done!

Hello @zahidmarwat, thank you for inviting me for the content. I read your story, and I must say, I was thoroughly impressed by it. Keep it up

thanks dear for your nice comment.

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