Steemit Iron Chef 2021 Act 1 Round 11 : BEETROOT AND EGG SALAD - Revisited my style!!!

in Steemit Iron Chef3 years ago

Hello foodies of Steemit and Iron Chefs!

Here I am to present my 11th entry in a row for my most favorite cooking contest around - The Steemit Iron Chef!

I am so happy that I did not miss any round so far and it would be great if I can enter in all the 15 rounds of the first Act!

I usually don't post often, due to my work and my blog is mainly to enter in high and professional cooking contest like SIC to showcase my talent, I hope you've been enjoying my dishes so far!

Let me show you what I did with the beetroot for this 11th round! Hope you like it!

I wanted to make a plate like an artist making his painting...and I am very satisfied with the final result!



The main item of my plate was of course...BEETROOT!


I started by boiling part of the beetroot to make a thin carpaccio on my plate...

I also boiled 2 eggs in another cooking pot!


While the egg and beetroot was cooking, I heated some oil and finely cut some raw beetroot as you can see below.

I then deep fried these beetroot julienne until crispy - season with little salt after frying!




The Vinaigrette...

To season my beetroot carpaccio, I made a simple vinaigrette with mustard paste, lemon juice, honey and olive oil!

And added some fresh mint inside - Checked the seasoning and reserve for later use!



Here's the different items that will be used to build up my plate...


Plating... favorite part! I just love plating my food!

FREESTYLE as usual!

I started by placing the boiled beetroot carpaccio on the plate...I added some more cubes and dices of beetroot around!


With the help of a brush...I covered the carpaccio with the mustard dressing I prepared above!


Next I scrambled the boiled egg yolk and place on top of the marinated beetroot carpaccio...


Then the egg white...which I chopped after boiling! And as usual I completed my dish by placing the rest of the ingredients delicately on the have onions, chives, mint, crispy beetroot, gherkins etc...


Let's go for some photoshoot...




Proof Photo...

And here's the photo which will validate my entry into this 11th round...


For this 11th round, i had a little more fun as usual to plate my know why!???

My hands turned red when preparing my plate...hahaha! I just love that lovely vibrant color of beetroot!

Before serving this salad, you have to put couple of more spoons of vinaigrette and enjoy!

So here we are for my entry for the beetroot round - Looking forward to discover yours!

Wish you all the best and eagerly waiting for the mysterious product of the next round which will be announced tomorrow!

See you all next week!
Best Regards!


Hola amigo no e visto que publicaste yo es pero me reciban mi entrada estoy sin luz y todo lo tengo en la pc espero llegue temprano para publicar como te encuentras me extraña que no publiques

 3 years ago 

Hello my friend! Thanks so much for your message.
I was actually very busy last week with our restaurant, I really wanted to enter the banana round...but I ran out of time.

Hola saludo amigo, espero te encuentres bien tu y tu familia , que Dios te bendiga. Cuando puedas me escribes por el discord para comunicarnos

 3 years ago 

Hello my friend! Thanks for stopping by. I tell you my friend...I just don't have time to be on discord...I don't even have it...hahaha! You can ask me anything you like here itself. I'll reply as soon as I log in again.
Best Regards!

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