Steemit-ironChef / Healthy Banana-Oats Smoothie/ By: @sanuri

in Steemit Iron Chef2 years ago

Hello My Dear SIC Fam....,

I'm so excited to share my 1st article for the new theme of SIC. Well, today is Wednesday. So, Wednesdays for breakfast/fruits. Today we'll review by our lovely friend, @marlyncabrera.

Do you guys know what I'm going to share with you today? It's a BREAKFAST!.

It is always great start the day with a yummy-healthy breakfast. That is why I had this Banana-Oats Smoothie for breakfast. This is so easy to prepare in less time.


Last night I frozed two bananas. I always use frozen fruits for my smoothies. Then, today's morning I blend those frozed bananas with milk, oats, peanut butter, cinnamon powder, and some non-fat yogurt.


We can get nice color, nice taste, and nice smell included a bowl of smoothie by blending those ingredients together. Oh yes, it was so yummmmmmmmm!!!!

Then, I poured the smoothie to the bowl and added some crushed cashews and almonds. Adding these mixed nuts help to enhance the taste of my smoothie too.


Now most of my breakfasts ,I have this kind of healthy smoothie. I actually like it than other breakfasts which I used to have before. Isn't it great if we can start a day with a healthy breakfast? What do you think about it, my friends? Tell me also about your healthy breakfast too.

Thank you so much everyone for reading my blog!

Have A Great Day

 2 years ago 

Your banana-oats smoothie bowl looks awesome! Nice photos. Sure we all like to start the day with an amazing and healthy breakfast :D

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Thank you for participating in our New Weekly Food Dynamics: Wednesday Breakfasts/Fruits, #sicbreakfasts & #sicfruits; and for being part of our great SIC family.

 2 years ago 

I'm glad you like my breakfast. Thank you so much for the support, my friend!

 2 years ago 

Hola amiga, sin duda este es un desayuno que te llenará de energía y te prorcionara beneficios a tu organismo.


 2 years ago 

Of course, my friend. This helped to start the day with total energy; it was so yummy.

 2 years ago 

También hago este batido es muy rico y saciante casi como una arepa jeje, también lo uso y hago panqueques con esta mezcla son deliciosos.

 2 years ago 

Oh yes, we can make pancakes from this mixture. I forgot about it. Next time I'll pancakes from this. Thank you for remembering about it my friend.

 2 years ago 

This is really nice and yummy. I love the blend of those ingredients you used. I will give this healthy smoothie a try.

 2 years ago 

Oh,yeah.You should try this and I’m sure you gonna love it.☺️

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