Benificial fruit of all Time || 10% goes to steemit-garden

in Steemit-Garden2 years ago

Plants up! plantitos and plantitas, today I am very excited to share with you a specific plant bearing fruit that was very known for being essential in terms of human health. Let me introduce to you the Guyabano Plant with the scientific name (Anona muricata) or soursop in English. This plant is a small tropical tree that bears a heart shaped fruit, that is very sweet and soft-spined green outer skin and soft pulpy white flesh with black seeds. It can be eaten directly but others would love to eat it with a twist. Some would convert it into fruit juice, shake or tea and those things were absolutely tasty. This plant is prevalent in South America, Southeast Asia and Africa and is only less than seven meters high.


Did you know that this plant bearing fruit was very beneficial to human health? Not just the fruit itself but also its leaves that serve as a herbal too. It was scientifically and traditionally proven to have natural great benefits.

*It can lower fever by boiling its leaves and drinking the water from it where the juice from the leaves were extracted.
*It relieves stomach pain by putting the green leaves in your abdominal area. The leaves were popular for sedating and calming the pain.
*It can also prevent the manifestation of cancer cells since the leaves are rich in tannins, oils, fats, flavonoids, triterpenes, etc.
*Guyabano is also helpful for diabetic people to lower down their blood sugar.
*It was very helpful too for those who have asthma.

These are just some of the good benefits that Guyabano has that undoubtedly help people to maintain a healthy lifestyle as well as for those who have already maintained medication.


This amazing fruit was taken in our back yard planted by Mother and finally now we were able to taste the once that mother planted way back seven years ago. Not just tasty but also very healthy. So now, let's not just say that an "An Apple a day keeps the doctors away'' but also lets say "A Guyabano a day keeps the doctor away".

That's all for today my dear plant enthusiast out dear. Thanks for sparing some time to read. I hope you've learned and enjoyed reading it.

This is @lonelylover leaving you this saying "Health is Wealth."


 2 years ago 
I love soursop, it's a delicious fruit you can make refreshing juices, they say it also helps anti-cancer cells, how true it is, I don't know, but we must have faith, I really like this fruit, thanks for posting, it's good that it have at home.

Greetings .

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