东方神话再现:《悟空 黑神话》引爆游戏圈

in STEEM CN/中文2 months ago


近日,国产游戏《悟空 黑神话》的热度席卷了整个游戏圈,成为了众多玩家和媒体关注的焦点。这款大型游戏以其惊艳的画面和引人入胜的游玩体验吸引了无数目光。然而,对于像我这样拥有近十年历史的老电脑用户来说,亲身体验这款游戏可能仍是一种奢望。尽管如此,通过观看游戏视频,我们仍能感受到这款游戏的魅力,聊以慰藉我们热切的好奇心。




《悟空 黑神话》最大的优点在于其浓厚的中国文化特色。游戏中的场景、建筑、服装等元素都经过精心设计,充分体现了中国传统文化的风格和美学。值得称赞的是,游戏并没有为了迎合西方所谓的政治正确而做出妥协。从视频中可以看到,游戏中的蜘蛛精等角色都保持了标准的东方审美,呈现出美人的形象。这种坚持不仅赢得了国内玩家的赞誉,甚至连一些对近年来西方游戏中越来越丑的人物设计和强行政治正确感到厌倦的国外玩家,也对《黑神话》表示了认可。


总的来说,《悟空 黑神话》的出现无疑是中国游戏产业发展的一个重要里程碑。它不仅展示了中国开发者的创意和技术实力,也为未来国产游戏的发展指明了方向。虽然与国际顶尖水平相比还有差距,但这第一步的意义非凡。它激励着更多的中国游戏开发者勇于创新,不断挑战自我。我们有理由相信,随着时间的推移和经验的积累,未来会有更多、更优秀的国产游戏大作问世,逐步缩小与国际顶尖水平的差距,最终在全球游戏市场上占有一席之地。

Recently, the popularity of the domestic game Wukong Black Myth has swept through the entire gaming circle, becoming the focus of attention of many players and media. This massive game has attracted a lot of attention with its stunning graphics and fascinating gameplay. However, for an older computer user like me, who is almost a decade old, experiencing this game in person may still be too much to hope for. Nevertheless, by watching the video of the game, we can still feel the charm of the game and satisfy our eager curiosity.

Although the title of the game contains the word "Wukong", its storyline is not directly related to the familiar Journey to the West. In fact, the game's story background borrows more from the Biography of Wukong and God of War, two subsequent novels with the nature of fan works. This innovative story setting injects new life into the classic character Sun Wukong and brings a refreshing experience to players.

The specific plot setting of the game is quite unique: Sun Wukong is named the Holy Buddha of fighting after his success in the West, but he still yearns for an unfettered free life in his bones. Therefore, he resolutely resigned his position as a Buddha, returned to Huaguo Mountain, and continued to live as a great saint. Heaven naturally could not tolerate this behavior, and once again sent troops to attack Huaguo Mountain. This time, in order to avoid future trouble forever, Heaven will disperse Sun Wukong's "six roots" hiding. The protagonist of the game is a monkey known as the "Man of Heaven", his mission is to find and collect these "six roots", in order to revive Sun Wukong.
Interestingly, this storyline bears some resemblance to the legend of the resurrection of Osiris in ancient Egyptian mythology. In Egyptian mythology, Osiris was killed and dismembered into 14 pieces by his brother Set, which were scattered throughout the Nile. His wife ISIS searched around, eventually collecting 13 pieces (the 14th piece of genitalia was not found) and bringing Osiris back to life through magic. This theme of dispersion and reunion is reflected in the myths and legends of many cultures, reflecting the universal thinking about the cycle of life and rebirth.

After the game was released, the Internet was flooded with praise. Many people hailed it as the first truly domestic 3A game, and various domestic review media even gave it a full score of 10. However, objectively, both the advantages and disadvantages of the game are quite obvious.

The greatest advantage of Wukong Black Myth lies in its strong Chinese cultural characteristics. The scene, architecture, clothing and other elements in the game have been carefully designed to fully reflect the style and aesthetics of traditional Chinese culture. To its credit, the game doesn't make compromises to cater to what the West calls political correctness. As can be seen from the video, characters such as the spider spirit in the game have maintained the standard Oriental aesthetic and presented the image of beauty. This persistence has not only won praise from domestic players, but also from some foreign players who are tired of the increasingly ugly character design and enforced political correctness in Western games in recent years.

However, there is still a certain gap between this game and the top 3A game masterpieces abroad in terms of gameplay. Although this is regrettable, considering that this is an important breakthrough in the 3A field of domestic games, we should still give recognition and encouragement.

In general, the emergence of Wukong Black Myth is undoubtedly an important milestone in the development of China's game industry. It not only showcases the creative and technical strength of Chinese developers, but also points the way for the future development of domestic games. Although there is still a gap compared with the international top level, this first step is of great significance. It has inspired more Chinese game developers to innovate and challenge themselves. We have reason to believe that with the passage of time and the accumulation of experience, there will be more and better domestic game masterpieces in the future, gradually narrowing the gap with the international top level, and eventually occupy a place in the global game market.


Upvoted! Thank you for supporting witness @jswit.




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