
in STEEM CN/中文2 months ago (edited)


所以我决定尝试将平时辅导小宝贝学习的一些内容做成短视频,放在抖音之类的平台上,获取流量,也算是小小的尝试涉足这个行业。几个星期前发布了第一个视频,是用动画的形式讲解小学数学难题中比较常见的盈亏问题。这个问题用二元一次方程组很容易解决,但是对于小学低年级还没有掌握方程的小学生来说,通过复杂的、多步骤的推理也能得出答案,不过多步骤推理对小学生甚至很多成年人来说要求都相当高。因此,又做了一个用动画来分析解决过程的小视频。制作动画的软件使用的是在油管上非常火的、由 3blue1brown 频道博主编写的 Manim 动画库,当然在程序编写过程中也少不了 AI 的帮助。上次视频发布以后,反响还算不错,浏览量达到了 1000 多次,虽然不算太多,但对于这么一个简单的视频,能获得这么多的浏览量,确实超乎了我们的期望。

于是我们在这个星期一又发布了一个新的视频,是让小宝贝讲解经典的鸡兔同笼问题。讲解视频的动画部分也是用 Manim 制作的,采用了比较抽象的表现方式。一个椭圆加四条竖杠代表四条腿的兔子,一个椭圆加两条竖杠代表两只腿的鸡。为增加趣味性,在常规的解法之外,我们还增加了另外的解法就是——假设动物能够听懂人话,让所有的兔子和鸡同时抬起两只腿。兔子抬起两只腿就像人一样站起来了,而鸡抬起两只腿就一屁股坐在了地上,就没有鸡腿了。这样下面的步骤就好计算得多了。但是要用抽象图形表示这个有趣的动作却难住了我,这里又要借助 AI 了。

其实现在的大语言模型领域已经是百花齐放了。如果说中文模型的效果,国内的几家大厂,如通义千问、智谱和 DeepSeek,他们的中文能力应该是在 OpenAI 的产品之上的。但是 OpenAI 的 GPT-4 在代码生成领域一直独占鳌头。不过另一家大厂 Claude 发布了 3.5 模型之后,很多人反映,在代码生成领域超越了 GPT-4,Clode 3.5 生成的代码错误更少,而且也更善解人意。在制作这个动画的过程中,我也比较了 GPT-4 和 Clode 生成的效果,确实发现 Clode 的代码生成的动画能够很好地表现出在提示词中所要达到的让兔子站起来的画面效果,而 GPT-4 给出的效果却与要求相去甚远。

其实这一次,我将解说稿也喂给了 Claude 3.5,让它用风趣、幽默、更受欢迎的语言帮我润色改写,出来的效果也非常棒。感觉这次使用Claude的体验确实 超越了 GPT-4,成为了大语言模型 AI 中的新王者。可以说做这样一个几分钟的短视频,如果没有 AI 的帮助,可能要费很大的功夫才能达到类似的效果。感觉 AI 确实提升了每个普通人的能力,让我们可以做一些以前做不到的事情。



8.43 复制打开抖音,看看【Yiyi小讲堂的作品】Yiyi讲数学:鸡兔同笼 https://v.douyin.com/iMoCxvmg/ 08/31 J@i.pd Vlp:/



Last time I had a post, said that today's short video platform is very popular, providing opportunities for many ordinary people. At present, most parents are not satisfied with the current education system, the problem is that it is too heavy, and a lot of effort is spent on national examinations such as the high school entrance examination and the college entrance examination, but the actual effect is disproportionate to the financial and energy invested. One fundamental reason is that educational resources are monopolized by the government and must follow the baton of the education authorities. In fact, the we-media platform provides a good platform for many ordinary people, and there are many people lecturing on the we-media platform, and it is very popular. And these contents do not have to be confined to exam-oriented education, which is a very good form.
​So I decided to try to make some of the content of my little baby's study into short videos and put them on platforms such as Tiktok to get traffic, which is also a small attempt to get involved in this industry. The first video, which was released a few weeks ago, uses animation to explain the more common profit and loss problems in elementary school math puzzles. This problem is easy to solve with binary equations, but for elementary school students who have not yet mastered the equations, the answer can be reached through complex, multi-step reasoning, but multi-step reasoning is quite demanding for elementary school students and even many adults. Therefore, I made a short video using animation to analyze the solution process. The animation software uses the Manim animation library, which is very popular on YouTube and written by the blogger editor of 3blue1brown channel, of course, the help of AI is also necessary in the process of programming. After the last video was released, the response was pretty good, and the views reached more than 1000 times, although it is not too much, but for such a simple video, to get so many views, it is really beyond our expectations.
​​So we released a new video this Monday, asking Little baby to explain the classic chicken and rabbit cage problem. The animation part of the explanation video is also made with Manim, using a more abstract expression. An oval with four bars represents a rabbit with four legs, and an oval with two bars represents a chicken with two legs. In addition to the usual solution for fun, we also added another solution: assuming that animals can understand human speech, let all rabbits and chickens lift both legs at the same time. The rabbit lifted its two legs and stood up like a human, while the chicken lifted its two legs and sat down on the ground without its legs. This makes the following steps much easier to calculate. But trying to represent this interesting action with abstract graphics stumped me, and here again I had to use AI.
​In fact, the field of large language models has blossomed. If the effect of the Chinese model, several domestic manufacturers, such as Tongyi Qianwen, Wisdom spectrum and DeepSeek, their Chinese ability should be on top of OpenAI's products. But OpenAI's GPT-4 has always been a leader in code generation. However, after Claude released the 3.5 model, many people reported that Clode 3.5 exceeded GPT-4 in the field of code generation, and generated code with fewer errors and more understanding. In the process of making this animation, I also compared the effect generated by GPT-4 and Clode, and indeed found that the animation generated by Clode's code was very good at achieving the image effect of the rabbit standing up in the prompt word, while the effect given by GPT-4 was far from the requirement.
​In fact, this time, I also fed the commentary to Claude 3.5, let it use fun, humor, more popular language to help me revise and rewrite, the effect is also very good. The experience of using Claude really surpassed GPT-4 and became the new king of large language model AI. It can be said that doing such a short video of a few minutes, if there is no help from AI, it may take a lot of effort to achieve a similar effect. It feels like AI is really elevating the capabilities of the average person and allowing us to do things we couldn't do before.
​At the same time, in order to generate brand effect, my wife also made a good suggestion, changing the name of the Douyin number used to publish videos to "Yiyi Xiaotang", which is homophonic with the baby's name. Please support and browse to help me continue this small entrepreneurial experiment. Thank you very much.
​### Video URL:
8.43 复制打开抖音,看看【Yiyi小讲堂的作品】Yiyi讲数学:鸡兔同笼 https://v.douyin.com/iMoCxvmg/ 08/31 J@i.pd Vlp:/


Upvoted! Thank you for supporting witness @jswit.




你好 我想问一下这个平台现在入手还有机会吗


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