Nature sub-journal: Using parasites to deliver drugs to the brain

in STEEM CN/中文2 months ago

In the recent field of biomedical research, a breakthrough has attracted widespread attention. A research team led by scientists from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) published a study in Nature microbiology, successfully modifying a parasite called Toxoplasma gondii to enable it to deliver therapeutic proteins directly to nerve cells in the brain.

Toxoplasma gondii is a widespread parasite that has the ability to penetrate the blood-brain barrier and parasitize nerve cells. This feature makes Toxoplasma gondii an ideal carrier for researchers to achieve brain delivery of large molecule drugs.

The research team cleverly modified the secretion system of Toxoplasma through genetic engineering, enabling it to carry and deliver large therapeutic proteins of more than 100kDa.

The research team paid special attention to two secretory organelles of Toxoplasma - rhabdosomes and dense granules. They designed a protein fusion strategy to fuse the rhabdosome protein toxofilin and the dense granule protein GRA16 with a variety of proteins with therapeutic potential, successfully achieving the precise delivery of these proteins in nerve cells.

Both in vitro experiments and animal models showed good delivery effects and functional recovery. More importantly, this delivery method did not cause obvious immune response or inflammation when tested in mice, showing good safety.

Through further research and optimization, the modified Toxoplasma gondii is expected to become an effective drug delivery tool.

However, this technology also faces challenges and limitations. For example, how to ensure the safety and effectiveness of the modified Toxoplasma in the human body, and how to accurately control its delivery route and dosage are issues that need further research. In addition, the public's acceptance of the use of parasites as drug delivery vehicles is also a factor that needs to be considered.

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