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RE: How did esteem do it? It's amazing?!,esteem 是怎么做到的,太神奇了?!
Good find, do you know unicode of that red dot? We can make it even better by replacing red dot with accepted dot, but we need to know unicode or html code of that red dot 😊
Come on! Hope to release Chinese version as soon as possible
I can't see the corresponding content of the red dot, and I don't know how to generate it
Next week is surfer and mobile release both with Chinese languages thanks to efforts made by @downvoter... 🎉
由 @xiaoyuanwmm 村凤 迎着沙尘暴 开着UFO 给您送来
新手村三宝 瓜子 汽水 小板凳
吃饱了吗?跟我猜拳吧! 石头,剪刀,布~