每日好剧---《IT狂人》(The IT Crowd)

in STEEM CN/中文2 months ago


The IT Crowd





  1. 莫斯·瑞瑟姆·克里斯多福·杰勒米·摩西·马里奇(Maurice Moss):由理查德·艾欧阿德(Richard Ayoade)饰演。莫斯是IT部门的技术天才,聪明但社交能力极差,经常因为不懂得处理日常生活中的问题而闹出笑话。他的天真和古怪行为是剧中的一大笑点。

  2. 罗伊·特里尼曼(Roy Trenneman):由克里斯·奥多德(Chris O'Dowd)饰演。罗伊是IT部门的另一个技术人员,虽然技术能力强,但对工作缺乏热情,经常试图躲避工作。他对生活持有一副玩世不恭的态度,经常抱怨用户对电脑问题的不理解。

  3. 詹恩·芮曼(Jen Barber):由凯瑟琳·帕金森(Katherine Parkinson)饰演。詹恩是IT部门的经理,但实际上她对技术一窍不通。她靠夸大自己在面试时的技术水平得到了这份工作,经常不得不掩饰自己的无知,同时在管理上也常常捉襟见肘。

  4. 道格拉斯·雷纳姆(Douglas Reynholm):由马特·贝里(Matt Berry)饰演。道格拉斯是公司的CEO,个性张扬且有点荒唐,经常做出一些毫无逻辑的决定,给IT部门带来了不少麻烦。


I recommend "The IT Crowd," a beloved British sitcom that humorously portrays the daily lives and work of employees in an IT department.

Plot Summary:

"The IT Crowd" centers around the IT department of a large company, telling the funny and bizarre stories of the staff. This IT department is located in the basement of the company's building, almost isolated from the rest of the world. The employees deal with various technical issues daily, along with the awkward and absurd moments in their personal lives. The show uses exaggeration and humor to depict common jokes related to the IT industry and the clashes of workplace culture.

Main Characters:

  1. Maurice Moss: Played by Richard Ayoade. Moss is the technical genius of the IT department, highly intelligent but socially inept. He often finds himself in ridiculous situations because of his inability to handle everyday life. His innocence and quirky behavior are major sources of comedy in the show.

  2. Roy Trenneman: Played by Chris O'Dowd. Roy is another technician in the IT department, highly skilled but lacking enthusiasm for his work. He frequently tries to avoid his duties and has a cynical attitude towards life, often complaining about users' lack of understanding of computer problems.

  3. Jen Barber: Played by Katherine Parkinson. Jen is the manager of the IT department, but she knows nothing about technology. She landed the job by exaggerating her technical expertise during the interview and often has to cover up her lack of knowledge while struggling with her management role.

  4. Douglas Reynholm: Played by Matt Berry. Douglas is the CEO of the company, flamboyant and a bit absurd, often making illogical decisions that cause chaos for the IT department.

"The IT Crowd" is loved for its unique sense of humor and its satire of the IT industry. The quirky personalities of the characters and their chemistry create many unforgettable comedic moments, making the show a classic in British comedy.

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