in STEEM CN/中文2 months ago (edited)

01. 国加密货币法案可能于今年出台


➊ 参议员黛比·斯塔贝诺 (Debbie Stabenow) 和克尔斯滕·吉利布兰德 (Kirsten Gillibrand) 与近十几位其他民主党议员以及马克·库班 (Mark Cuban) 和安东尼·斯卡拉穆奇 (Anthony Scaramucci) 等行业巨头一起参加了一场虚拟活动,为副总统卡马拉·哈里斯 (Kamala Harris) 竞选总统争取加密货币支持。 ➋ 参议院多数党领袖查克·舒默 (DN,Y,) 周三表示,美国加密货币立法可能会在今年通过,这是加密货币业内人士首次公开支持副总统卡马拉·哈里斯 (Kamala Harris) 作为他们青睐的总统候选人的重大活动

Sens. Debbie Stabenow and Kirsten Gillibrand joined nearly a dozen other Democratic lawmakers, as well as industry titans like Mark Cuban and Anthony Scaramucci, in a virtual event to garner crypto support for Vice President Kamala Harris's presidential bid.

U.S. crypto legislation can happen this year, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N,Y,) said Wednesday at the first major event in which crypto insiders have come out for Vice President Kamala Harris as their favored presidential contender.

02. 比特币价格可能走低

➊ 随着加密货币交易所出现 10 亿美元 USDT 提现,比特币价格可能走低。今年早些时候,交易所曾两次出现类似的 USDT 流出情况,当时都发生在比特币价格的局部高点附近。加密分析公司 IntoTheBlock指出,周二有超过 10 亿美元的 Tether 稳定币 USDT 从加密货币交易所被提现,这是自 5 月份以来单日提现最多的一次。 IntoTheBlock 分析师表示:“在最近提现金额超过 10 亿美元的案例中,比特币不久后就开始出现下跌趋势,这表明投资者可能正在采取避险立场,将资金转移到冷钱包等更安全的环境,以应对市场波动。”

Bitcoin Price May Turn Lower as Crypto Exchanges See $1B USDT Withdrawal: IntoTheBlock.
The previous two occasions when exchanges saw similar USDT outflows earlier this year occurred near local tops in bitcoin's price.Crypto analytics firm IntoTheBlock noted that more than $1 billion of Tether's USDT stablecoin was withdrawn from crypto exchanges on Tuesday, the most in a day since May."In recent cases where withdrawals exceeded $1 billion, bitcoin began a downtrend soon after, suggesting investors may be adopting a risk-off stance, moving funds to safer environments like cold wallets in anticipation of market volatility," IntoTheBlock analysts said.

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