晨跑若这样做,收获疲惫不如收获好眠! Why Morning Runs Can Be Wonderful, But Not Always Ideal!

in STEEM CN/中文15 days ago





















For many runners, morning runs are a delightful experience. Waking up and using a run to activate a body that’s been still all night feels refreshing. As the first rays of sunlight break the dawn, running through empty streets and weaving through neighborhoods is serene and peaceful.

Morning runs also come with a host of benefits. Not only do they help strengthen your body and improve cardiovascular health, but more importantly, they cultivate a habit of discipline. Getting up early to run sets the tone for an energetic and productive day ahead.

However, while morning runs can be great, they aren’t suitable for every situation. In some cases, running early may not only be ineffective but could also pose potential risks, leaving you feeling sluggish for the rest of the day, unable to concentrate.

If any of the following applies to you, it might be wiser to get some extra rest instead of heading out for a run. Running in these circumstances won’t do much for your body except make you feel like you’re pushing yourself unnecessarily—and it could even have negative effects.

1. Running After a Late Night

These days, staying up late has become routine for many people. Nighttime often feels like the only true “me time,” so people indulge in that short-lived freedom, often losing track of time until the middle of the night.

Sometimes, it’s work or family obligations keeping you up late. You might glance at the clock, realize it’s past 1 a.m., and remember that you’ve planned a morning run. Rushing to bed won’t help much at this point.

When your alarm goes off at 5 a.m., you’re left with a decision: Do you push through and go for your run, or do you stay in bed and catch up on sleep?

Many believe that sticking to the run shows self-discipline. While this is true, running on too little sleep adds stress to an already fatigued body, potentially leading to serious issues like extreme exhaustion—or worse, sudden health incidents. At the very least, you’ll feel groggy and unfocused for the rest of the day.

In such cases, it's better to get a bit more sleep instead of forcing a run when you're sleep-deprived!

2. Bad Weather Conditions

Some runners pride themselves on running in all kinds of weather, as if battling the elements makes them stand out. Light rain, snow, or mild pollution might not pose significant problems, but extreme conditions like heavy rain, strong winds, or thick smog should make you reconsider.

Even light rain can be tricky—you never know when it might turn into a downpour, leaving you soaked and at risk of catching a cold. Slippery roads in rain or snow increase the risk of slipping, and smog can damage your respiratory system. Running makes you breathe deeper, meaning you’ll inhale more harmful particles, which can affect your lung function over time.

When bad weather hits, it’s safer and smarter to stay in bed!

3. When Your Body Hasn’t Recovered

Running while injured or not allowing your body adequate recovery time is one of the biggest mistakes you can make. If you’ve done a long-distance training session the night before, your body needs one to two days to recover. Forcing yourself to do a morning run in such a state puts unnecessary strain on your body, delaying muscle recovery and possibly leading to further injury.

If you keep pushing yourself without proper rest, you risk causing irreversible damage. When your body feels sore or off, it’s important to listen to it and give it time to heal. After all, finding the balance between effort and rest is the true essence of running.

In these moments, the best thing you can do is enjoy some extra sleep and allow your body to recover faster!

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