My Favorite Book - Contest Participation

source of actual image - Edited by me

It feels like a long time since I have participated in any contest. What dragged me to write this post is mainly the topic. Yes, I read the word Book and I am here. I am not participating just to win but because I love to talk about books. Also, this happens to be my first post in Steem Infinity Zone.

Thank you @cryptokraze for creating such an amiable space and providing a productive environment and @suboohi for organizing such an interesting contest.

Before I get side-tracked from the purpose of this post, I shall begin writing about my favorite book.

Without a single doubt, my favorite book is :



Please ignore the condition. First two books are borrowed by a friend.

I am into the habit of reading ever since I learned to read. Although, I read Harry Potter quite late. I used to hate this hyped series for no reason. Quite reluctantly, I read the first book at the age of seventeen, on the forceful recommendation of a friend.

After reading the first book, I cursed myself for wasting more than ten years of my life, reading other stuff. After that, there was no stopping and I read one book after another and watched the movies along, all in a couple of days.

I remember hiding Harry Potter book under my course books and reading during boring Urdu lectures on Meer Taqi Meer's lovestruck poetry.

Pretending that I was preparing for an exam with A Goblet Of Fire under the Chemistry book. The obsession was real and to the point that I wanted to leave my college and longed for an admission letter from Hogwarts. I also joined the famous to prove that I was a true Potterhead.

I am not stretching stuff, people who have read Harry Potter at this tender age can relate to what I'm telling. Harry Potter does have this power of teleporting its readers from this mundane world to its magical world.

About the Book

Harry Potter is basically a magical fantasy series written by J. K. Rowling. It is divided into seven parts:

1- Harry Potter & The Philosopher's Stone
2- Harry Potter & The Chamber of Secrets
3- Harry Potter & The Prisoner of Azkaban
4- Harry Potter & The Goblet of Fire
5- Harry Potter & The Order of Phoenix
6- Harry Potter & The Half Blood Prince
7- Harry Potter & The Deathly Hallows

This magical fantasy is written for Young Adults. But I am sure an aged person will love it equally. Personally, I can't read non-fiction for long. But I absolutely love reading fiction because it is interesting and contains unexpected stuff which makes you curious to read more.

Same is the case with Harry Potter. The writer has created a surreal fictional world which seems so real that at a point either you are convinced that such a world exists or you wish for it to exist.


The story begins when Harry Potter is eleven years old. He finds out that he is a wizard and gets admission in a magical school named Hogwarts. He's an orphan and learns that his parents were murdered by a powerful dark wizard, Voldemort. The rest of the story revolves around his school years at Hogwarts with his best friends Ron and Hermione. Along with the attempts of Voldemort to kill Harry and Harry to devise plans of taking revenge from Voldemort.

Why I love Harry Potter Series?

I have read so many books and I can easily say that I have read nothing like this one. I have read books with outstanding plots and gripping story but there's something about Harry Potter which I have never seen in any other book.

  • Carefully developed plot

The books, the story, the plot is so carefully planned and written. I mean, you will not find a single meaningless sentence or even a word in the entire series. Everything you read, you will find its explanation sooner or later in the book. There are no unanswered questions. There are no plot glitches which leave you hanging at the end.

Although, the entire book is a masterpiece of puzzles and mystery but everything falls into place as you progress with the book.

The timeline of the books is spread over a decade. It amazes me that the writer knew in 1997(publication year of first book) that what she's going to do with a certain character ten years later in 2007(publication year of last book) . I mean every book is so inter-linked. It feels like she thought of the whole story, each and every scene and dialogue and then wrote it down over the years.

  • Thoughtfulness into each subject

It's not just dialogues, she created whole world of magic. Magical subjects, magical spells, magical animals, magical herbs, magical games and sports, magical children stories, magical household stuff, magical transport. In short, everything you can think of, she has created its magical version beautifully.

  • Strong character build-up

Apart from that, the writer has created each character very thoughtfully. It feels like you personally know the characters. They are so well described. The beauty of the story is that you can easily fall for the most evil characters too.

My favorites are the Professor Snape and Voldemort(from school age).

Lessons learned

I think everyone should read this series regardless of their age because it gives us a lot of lessons.

  • Friendship- there's nothing like a true friendship. Having good friends at your back can be such a blessing.

  • Family- There's nothing more important than family. No matter how many conflicts, but family always comes around in the time of need.

  • Loyalty- The most attractive lesson in my opinion. Staying loyal to your friends, family and yourself is an ordeal in itself.

  • Good & Bad - One must learn to distinguish between what's good and bad.

  • Love- The most beautiful lesson. One must learn to love unconditionally.

  • Courage- One must be fearless and courageous enough to fight against the bad.

I think I cannot write more without giving major spoilers. I should stop here.

I have so many favorite books if you ask me. But I have never been able to read a book again. No matter, how much I loved it in first place. But I can read Harry Potter series again and again.

It's not just me, my husband is also a huge potterhead. We read the series again few months back. And are waiting for the day when our son would be able to read them too.

Thank you for taking out time to read this long rant of Potter-obsessed human.

Kind Regards,


 3 years ago 

You explained well about story and lesson of story. You are a true lover of book. Nice post dear.
Thanks for your participation best of luck for the contest.

You explain very well. I hope you win this contest. Best of luck

Thankyou for the kind words

Now what should I do?

I was going to share the same. You have shared everything about Harry Potter series and left nothing for me.

Looks like I have to use that time turner and go back in time to post before you.

No, you don't have that time turner. It is only available to Professor :)

I had no idea that you were going to take part...

Besides you are a professor now... Enjoy the privilege. Lol

i was thinking to choose Harry Potter too🤭 but I was sure that someone will do that too and here you are @event-horizon!

my nephew read this book when he's only 6, at that time I was busy reading law's and all classic books in the library, when he finished reading it, he told me how great the book is and lend it to me, it's not until the 3rd book i bought it for our home library (my sister and I collecting books too) till we have a complete sets along with The Chronicle of Narnia (C.S Lewis) and Inheritance (Michael Paolini). you missed the crazy feeling of waiting for the new book published 😂 .. it's crazy! i hunted for the new book to neighbor province because i was afraid i'd missed it before it sold out.

Emma Watson oohh I mean Hermionne is awesome, right?

Haha. I can totally understand your excitement. And you are right, I missed out on the anticipation you feel at the release of a new book. But you know having all the books at hand and reading one right after the other, gives satisfaction too. My highly-impatient-self would have died waiting for next parts. 😂

Hermione is awesome. So does Dumbledore, Krum, Diggory, Wood, Black, Tonks and most favorite Snape. 😁

I literally cried for Fred at the Battle of Hogwarts and felt so much remorse for Snape.

P. S. You like Harry Potter, I like you already. 😂

yaaayyy😍 we love Professor Snape🤗 The best tsundere in hogwart😁

Hey! Would you like to join Steem Library?

sure, I'll be there... but won't really post frequently, Thanks @event-horizon.

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