Siz Education | What is Obesity? And Why Obesity is More in World | 10% payout to @Siz-Official

in Steem Infinity Zone4 years ago (edited)

Assalamualaikum Siz Members 🤝
I hope All members are well and fine. I am going to tell you what is Obesity, reasons of Obesity and prevent from obesity..


Obesity is a disease that caused by over consumption of Carbohydrates.

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If we eat any food constituents in less quantity then these constituents deficiency spread in our body and if we eat food constituents in large quantity and regularly our body also smitten in any disease like over consumption of Carbohydrates cause obesity.

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Obesity caused by large quantity of Sweet dishes fruit juice and cereal regularly.
By using carbohydrates daily body consume it how many body need it and the quantity of carbohydrates which left in body stores in glycogen form in our body.

Obesity reasons also genetic if any person,s parents are fat then their children also fat.

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By using carbohydrates daily glycogen convert into Adipose tissue form which is also called body fat.

These adipose tissue store first at tummy and then our back shoulders then legs then spread whole body these situations known as obesity.

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Obesity have different types all types can effective on body

Obesity cause high blood pressure due to over quantity of fats in our body and cause heart attack.

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Obesity can effects on the growth of our brain.

Obesity also cause of LDL cholesterol and HDL cholesterol.

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Obesity is not that type of disease which not controlled we can control it.

First exercise regularly in morning time without eat any thing. Because after exercise our body parts heat up due to regular movement and our bodies Adipose tissue removed slowly.

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After some days exercise you can see changes in your body.

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Second use dietry fiber regularly and eat food less quantity. Because dietry fiber gives low calorie and remove the feeling of hungry.

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Prevent from fast foods because fast foods cause also obesity.

Note your weight regularly.

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I hope u like my post.

By @hurairaathar
Thanks @Cryptokraze

 4 years ago 

Really you point out the topic that is the need of the day, because use of excess oil, junk food, made people lazy, they always feel tired, moving towards healthy diet and exercise can save them, i think we should educate people more about it.