Introducing SIZ | Steem Infinity Zone Community

in Steem Infinity Zone3 years ago


It is giving us immense pleasure to see growth of Steem Infinity Zone (SIZ) Community with new users joining everyday. As you know that we have introduce SIZ official logo and offcial account @siz-official few day ago, so we are introducing our Community called Steem Infinity Zone (SIZ) on Steem Blockchain through our official account.

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Steem Infinity Zone (SIZ) Community Link

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We would like to welcome everyone joining us. There is no limits and boundaries on sharing contents and you can share any valuable stuff here. We will encourage all content creators who will be adding value to steem blockchain. You can showcase your skills and grow to infinite levels with the help of creators and Professionals involved in Steem Infinity Zone (SIZ).

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The idea of creating SIZ came in @cryptokraze mind as he observed the communities initiative taken by Steemit management that is adding more value to ecosystem as well as making better life for people. So he decided to put this idea into reality and started working on things to make it happen.

Being a Lecturer in Technology College @cryptokraze has interaction with fellow teachers and students of different fields. So he discussed the idea of creating SIZ where Teachers and students from different field will interact to create value outside traditional education system. The core concept of SIZ is to provide a platform to experts in different fields where they can share their valuable knowledge and practical skills while students can learn free of cost from these valuable contents. The idea was highly appreciated by both teachers and students.


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Steem Infinity Zone (SIZ) is established with the Vision
“To Educate and Empower People on Steemit without Limits”

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  • SIZ will onboard new people, mostly students to steemit platform by creating seminars, zoom sessions and steemit education tutorials.

  • SIZ will provide a platform to Teachers and Trainers in different fields including Forex, Crypto, Food Processing, Arts, Photography,Computers and Technology, to provide value to Steem ecosystem.

  • SIZ will provide an excellent platform to empower students by learning these valuable and lifelong skills as well as showcase their individual talents.

  • SIZ will make efforts to collaborate with other communities on Steemit to increase overall engagement in Steem ecosystem that will provide greater opportunity to trainers worldwide to add value in system and benefit people worldwide.

  • SIZ management will make best of the efforts to encourage and support all the participants for continuous improvement.

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As the name Infinity Zone suggests no limits and boundaries, so we will welcome any valuable content in most of the categories BUT considering the availability of Expert Teachers and Trainers within the community, we will allow contents in following categories.

Promo Steem - Any initiative or activity you are doing in your locality or online to promote steem.

Steemit Education - Sharing about different tutorials, tips and guides about steemit to make things easy to understand for everyone.

Forex Trading - Sharing about forex basics, trading analysis, strategies, results, daily routines and anything related to forex market.

Crypto Currencies - Sharing about cryptocurrencies , new and ongoing project, trading analysis, results, daily routines, news and anything related to Crypto market.

Food Processing and Technology - Sharing about food recipes, processing techniques, health benefits and advancements in food technology field.

E-Commerce - Sharing about basics of E-Commerce, platform information, tutorial, tools and methods to make progress in this field.

Computer Science - Sharing about basics, tutorials, languages, tips & tricks related to computer science.

Graphics Designing - Sharing about basics, tutorials, languages, tips & tricks related to graphics designing.

Fashion & Style - Sharing about latest trends, tips and tutorials on fashion and styling.

Health & Fitness - Sharing your routines, diet, tips and tutorials to maintain better health and shape.

Arts & Photography - Sharing about your love and passion for art & photography including tips and tutorials.

A Better Life - This is a Steemit initiative where you can share about the positive things you are doing to improve your own life, your family, community or planet.

The Diary Game - This is a Steemit Initiative where you can share about your day to day routine with community

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As stated above, the Vision of SIZ is “To Educate and Empower People on Steemit without Limits”. You will learn some valuable and lifelong skills that will literally add value to your life.

  • SIZ will provide Steem education on Local level that will enable many to change their life.

  • SIZ will provide trainings on Forex and Crypto Trading under the guidance of Profession Forex and Crypto Trader @cryptokraze. You don't want to miss out this skill.

  • SIZ will provide valuable contents on Food Processing under the guidance of experts in field of Food Processing and Technology

  • SIZ will provide valuable tutorials and trainings on Computers and Information Technology Field by experts in their respective areas

  • SIZ will provide awareness sessions, tutorials and valuable content on E-commerce that is a super skill to change your life.

  • SIZ will provide a platform to everyone for showcasing their individual talents in different fields and support every valuable content creator.

  • By joining SIZ, you will get a chance to learn new skills or upgrade your current skills that will ultimately add value to give you “A Better Life”

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There are certain sets of rules that everyone should follow in order to keep SIZ organized and move towards continuous improvement.

  • No hate speech or racism should be tolerated and offenders will be banned.

  • No Spam of any kind will be tolerated and your posts will get muted.

  • Post Original Contents and avoid duplicate or copy/paste materials.

  • If you need to quote any material or images from other sources, always provide reference.

  • Photos used in your posts must be original or from any royalty free image hosting website like Pixabay.

  • You can Post in any language but posting in English is always preferred because it will give your content better exposure.

  • Get engage with others by commenting on their posts to develop better and friendly ecosystem.

  • SIZ management reserves the rights to change or modify any rules as per need.

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We have set goals and objectives for our future plan showing the seriousness of our community towards steem ecosystem and we will be doing the following activities in coming days.

Promoting Steem
SIZ aim to onboard as many people as possible and we will be starting with awareness sessions from our local area and expand our promotional activities in different cities with passage of time. We have already started this in our local area and our subscribers count has reached +650.

SIZ Experts Panel
We will onboard experts in different fields and @cryptokraze will collaborate with different trainers and experts in local colleges and universities. We also plan to find talented individuals on steemit platform through our Talent Hunt Program and will add those people to Siz Experts Panel.

1st Batch of SIZ Experts has started their activities and making tutorials in their area of expertise. Few of the examples are shown below,

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SIZ Rewards
This is a concept where we will be getting the budgets for organizing different contests in SIZ community. SIZ Rewards will be a separate account that will receive donations from community leaders and also from generous donors who would like our community. Initially @cryptokraze will be providing 100+ Steem to SIZ Rewards for prize distribution among the contest winners.

SIZ Engagement
We will arrange seminars and sessions regularly to brainstorm ideas by community members to increase members engagement for continuous improvement.

SIZ Collaborations
We will be making collaborations with different communities on steemit for better engagement and providing a chance to members of different communities to interact with each other and share different culture. In this regard, SIZ has made its 1st collaboration with PromoSteem Community and we will be doing some join ventures to promote steem in variety of ways.

SIZ Reports
We will be making progress report on regular intervals about different projects of SIZ Community and share with community members.

SIZ Charity
We strongly believe in the concept of "Giving back to Community" and will be doing charity to help those who are in real need for some support. This project will be carried out through a separate account SIZ Charity.

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One of the aims of SIZ community is to grow our main curation account @siz-official by obtaining delegations through generous supporters. Currently we have 2,000 Steem Power delegated to curation account. Our aim is to make this account to dolphin or whale status in future. We are really thankful to our 1st delegators who showed their trust and supported SIZ.

DelegatorSP Provided
@cryptokraze1000 SP
@qasimwaqar400 SP
@suboohi200 SP
@vvarishayy200 SP
@talha96100 SP
@ahmadraza123100 SP

These delegated Steem Power will be used to support good content and minnows for encouraging them. We will also use @siz-official account to curate content from our SIZ Experts as gesture of appreciation for their hard work.

If you like our vision and want to be one of the supporter of SIZ community, you can delegate any amount you want. We are very open to receive delegations from anyone. We will also introduce Rewards Plans for our generous delegators in near future.

Quick Delegation to SIZ
50 100 200 300 400 500 1000
2000 3000 4000 5000 10000

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Steem Infinity Zone (SIZ) is established on solid concept and vision and this will help in creating more value addition to Steem ecosystem which is our top priority. We are hoping for a response from steemit team @steemitblog and @steemcurator01 to have a look at our vision, mission and detailed future plans and provide us their valuable suggestions for improvement.

We would like to pay special thanks to @arie.steem and for their continuous support for SIZ community. At the same time, we would like to mention @stephenkendal, @steemchiller and @pennsif for inspiring and motivating us through the great work they are doing in steem ecosystem. We would like you to have a look at our detailed plans and provide your valuable suggestions. SIZ will do its best to provide value to the community and help making a better Steem ecosystem.

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Let’s add value to make A Better Steem Ecosystem for everyone

Steem Infinity Zone Team
@cryptokraze | @arie.steem | @qasimwaqar | @vvarishayy



 3 years ago 

siz is just mega platform for everyone who can show their talent

 3 years ago 

We will see many talented individuals in coming days.

 3 years ago 

i would to thank @siz and @cryptokraze for initiating such a great platform for us so we can learn great skills and learn to communicate different countries people.this is a really big platform for me wher i can show my talent thank u sir

Congratulations to the Community @siz-official. I hope to see more progress for us all. Cheers!!!

You are doing a very good job with very hard work. I really like u are doing.keep up the good work .

Wow, great concept. I would be adding content in crypto space. Excited to see this on my return to steemit

That would be nice to have a crypto enthusiat in SIZ

 3 years ago 

Sir, your hard work will be rewarded by Allah. Your hard work not only benefit for just community but also for all steemit members. We will not see our talent on this platform but we will also learn a lot here. InshaAllah we will do best as we can.

Exactly, you can learn new things even if you have a skillset already

 3 years ago 

SiZ is name of perfect and complete community. Feeling blessed and proud to be part of this wonderful community. Every start-ups has objective and i really appreciate the aims and objectives of SiZ. I think SiZ is a complete package of every perspective of our lives 🎁 .
Team-Leader and founder of SiZ provides completely guidance, instruction and direction to be part of this platform.
Very very best wishes for SiZ success. 👍
Good Luck for great beginnings 👍

Thank you for the kind word. This is just the start and together we will create some great skill sets here at SIZ

Congratulations. All the members are benefiting from your efforts. Progress will be made soon.

With the new introduction of Steem Infinity Zone, steemit as a whole is about to witness another drastic improvement and changes..

We hope SIZ will provide a platform for continuous improvement and lift the engagement of community as a whole.

 3 years ago (edited)

I am Pleased and grateful to be part of SIZ expert panel my very best wishes for SIZ future success and efficacy in the post that SIZ already occupied.It is literally true that you succeed best and quickest by helping others to succeed. SIZ opted very hardworking team and professional staff. No Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence win championships.
Stay strong stay blessed.
Keep shining and motivating us. Keep doing best things ☺

You deserve to be on SIZ Experts Panel and we are sure that you will add lots of value in coming days. Together we will make our best efforts to get SIZ to another heights.

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