A Daily Dose: You can inspire others!

I know most of us don't realize it, but we can change lives. We have the power to light a spec of hope on someone's heart. And it may seem impossible, but we can do that. That's how amazing we can be.
Do you know the secret to how others can inspire people? I am searching for the answer as well. It's good to know that we can do it. But how do we do it?
I remember a saying; "it's easy to say, but it's hard to do." Doesn't it sound similar? I guess I am not the only one who thinks this way. We all start by asking what we don't understand.
Can you believe that others started this way too? They were once a seeker. They want to understand a lot of things too. Now I'm wondering how it was for them.
If it's not easy for me, I think it was the same for them. Others probably had to struggle and learn from mistakes. It's not easy to be someone like that. You have to be emotionally and mentally prepared for the battle.
Don't you think that they're brave to choose to inspire others? Not everyone has the gut feeling to do so. Imagine if your life is unfortunate; how will you do that? It looks so hard to me.
It's hard, and I know that. But I want to believe that anybody can do it. Anybody can be a model of inspiration. And that we all are sources of inspiration.
That would prove to be true for the next generations to come. Our stories would be a great reference. As long as you know what you want in life, you can be anything. Live your life to the fullest.
"When you are living the best version of yourself, you inspire others to live the best versions of themselves." - Steve Maraboli
How can you inspire people by living your life to the fullest? Do you believe that you can inspire others? Are you living the best versions of your life?

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I inspire people by being me. I do not fake my life by living someone else's. I do not try to be what I'm not. I do not let another person's lifestyle influence mine because I'm original. I do not have to be someone else to join the trend. Being myself is the best thing that has ever happened to me because I have self worth, self respect and I love me. Yes, there are challenges. People may look down on me and say stuff, but then that's life. People will always talk. But it's in my place to shutout all negative comments about me and embrace my true self because I AM ENOUGH. I thus urge people to derive inspiration from being just themselves. Always remember, there is nobody that will ever be you enough, and you can never be someone else enough. I invite my friends
@emidoling,@esthyfashion to join this conversation.
Really your life is very inspiring to others.
This is true. And that is the more reason we need to be ourselves. We do not always put our heart to people's negative speech.
Thank you so much for joining this conversation.
I think, to love your own authenticity takes so much courage and passion as you believe what you think is right for you. Loving yourself isn't only thinking about yourself, it also show how much respectful and kind can a person become by showing itself as an example.
Thank you for the encouraging words @raysdesign!
To anybody who would pass by, can we hear an answer or your opinion about this questions?
Let's start a conversation.
I think I inspire people by the way I live my life. When I view my challenges positively and try to live for the present and future. Yes I have difficult challenges at times but I try to view it as if I'm learning a lesson from it. I never compromise my values for people who think I'm not good enough. This is an inspiration for others.
Really though no matter who we are, an aspect of our life must inspire someone.
I invite my friends @jlvillamizar, @peacefulsoul @saneunji @eliany @bestbassey @raysdesign @monette24 to join in this conversation. 5 steem will be shared among all who joins the conversation.
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Thanks for inviting me in this conversation @madilyn02.
I always believe we can inspire others. This is also a natural way of human growth.
But I never see this as my motto. You also said that we can inspire while living our life and I think that is the most effective way. Just like I learn from seeing others work and their lifestyle, people also can learn from ours. We all have something in us that is unique and that can inspire others. You just need to come forward about this.
That is true. And I hope that the Inspire People Community can become a home of individuals who hone and inspire others in the platform. And although that's too good to be true, I want to believe that it can happen.
This really can happen. But maybe not in this platform where everyone including me is for money.
This is the truth. So long as a person us living. There must be an aspect of his life that inspires others.
Thank you for responding to my invitation and for joining this conversation.
Yes dear,do not ever compromise who you are. You are the best version of yourself.
Thank you for your appreciating and inviting friends @madilyn02!
That is the goal! I hope that everyone can come to realize that we all have the power to inspire others with our way of life and by being ourselves. We aim for a good community as such to help and educate others that it is okay to be different because it is what makes us special and as the person we are.
es muy hermoso cuando nuestras experiencias son de ayuda a otras personas que puedan estar pasando un momento dificil.
True. Really a beautiful thing. And our positive experiences can help such ones to cope with the challenges they face.
Thanks for joining the conversation.
I inspire people by taking to them, people are more open when engaged in a conversation, they tell you how the feel and how they've tried to work things out but still feel like nothing is working but I tell them never to give up that it's better to try than not trying anything at all. I tell them that things may not work out exactly how you may have planned for it to but then it is even worse when quit,you should try other options available and above all
"NEVER QUIT". Sometimes someone need a little push to continue in life. I do not give up , and I inspire and encourage people around me not to give up.
I invite my friends, @udyliciouz @fonexsignature @mexacliff to join this conversation.
Nice one
Thank you
You as right. This is so wise of you. You are one of the millions that inspire people by your lifestyle. Thank you.
keep inspiring more!!!
it will be nice to have you join our community