20 commonly used words suitable for C1 level students, along with their meanings and examples: (2)

in Steady Speakerlast month


  1. Ubiquitous

    • Meaning: Present, appearing, or found everywhere.
    • Example: "Smartphones have become ubiquitous in modern society."
  2. Eloquent

    • Meaning: Fluent or persuasive in speaking or writing.
    • Example: "The politician delivered an eloquent speech that moved the audience."
  3. Pernicious

    • Meaning: Having a harmful effect, especially in a gradual or subtle way.
    • Example: "The pernicious influence of social media can affect mental health."
  4. Indomitable

    • Meaning: Impossible to subdue or defeat.
    • Example: "Despite facing numerous challenges, her indomitable spirit kept her going."
  5. Meticulous

    • Meaning: Showing great attention to detail; very careful and precise.
    • Example: "The artist was meticulous in his brushwork, creating intricate patterns."
  6. Sagacious

    • Meaning: Having or showing keen mental discernment and good judgment.
    • Example: "The sagacious advice of the elder leader was highly valued by the community."
  7. Fortuitous

    • Meaning: Happening by chance or accident; fortunate.
    • Example: "Their fortuitous encounter led to a lifelong friendship."
  8. Ephemeral

    • Meaning: Lasting for a very short time; transient.
    • Example: "The beauty of a rainbow is ephemeral, disappearing quickly after a rain shower."
  9. Nefarious

    • Meaning: Wicked, villainous, or criminal.
    • Example: "The nefarious activities of the gang were finally brought to justice."
  10. Prolific

    • Meaning: Producing much fruit or foliage or many offspring; highly productive.
    • Example: "The author was known for her prolific output, publishing several books each year."
  11. Ineffable

    • Meaning: Too great or extreme to be expressed or described in words.
    • Example: "The beauty of the sunset was ineffable, leaving them speechless."
  12. Resilient

    • Meaning: Able to withstand or recover quickly from difficult conditions.
    • Example: "Despite facing setbacks, she remained resilient and determined to succeed."
  13. Surreptitious

    • Meaning: Kept secret, especially because it would not be approved of.
    • Example: "He made a surreptitious glance at his watch during the meeting."
  14. Euphoric

    • Meaning: Characterized by or feeling intense excitement and happiness.
    • Example: "Winning the championship left them feeling euphoric and elated."
  15. Pragmatic

    • Meaning: Dealing with things sensibly and realistically in a way that is based on practical rather than theoretical considerations.
    • Example: "Taking a pragmatic approach, they focused on solutions rather than dwelling on problems."
  16. Intricate

    • Meaning: Very complicated or detailed.
    • Example: "The intricate design of the cathedral's stained glass windows was breathtaking."
  17. Ambivalent

    • Meaning: Having mixed feelings or contradictory ideas about something or someone.
    • Example: "She felt ambivalent about accepting the job offer, torn between excitement and anxiety."
  18. Innovative

    • Meaning: Introducing or using new ideas, methods, or concepts.
    • Example: "The company prided itself on its innovative approach to product design."
  19. Voracious

    • Meaning: Wanting or devouring great quantities of food; having a very eager approach to an activity.
    • Example: "She had a voracious appetite for reading, finishing several books a week."
  20. Idyllic

    • Meaning: Extremely happy, peaceful, or picturesque.
    • Example: "The small village nestled in the mountains was an idyllic retreat from city life."

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