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RE: Beyond the Comfort Zone of Soothing Spiritual Language

in SpiritWeb4 years ago

very Interesting post.. ! language is like a lens through with we perceive our world.. Our language dictates a lot about what and how we think, and how we interpret what happens to us in this world. If we dont even have a word for good or bad, then we cannot understand it.. and every language has own unique words, stemming from their very different way of seeing the world.

Good for you that you managed to put down your guard, and open up.. despite it being difficult with the Thai language.. Yoga ON!

as for your question "Have you ever been confronted in your sacred moments by the form or language being uncomfortable?" .

yes, a million times.. having lived in India, and been to many ashrams.. there have been many times and sacred moments.. one quite frustrating one was when this psychic / clarivoyant man gave me a reading. He was telling me all kinds of important deep spiritual stuff.. but his ENglish was terrible!.. so i had to almost guess at half of what he was saying.. in fact, that happend more than once.. also with a Thai Clarivoyant lady.. u probably heard of her! Jasmie she's called! I have a hour of recordings of her rattling on about GOd only knows what for half of it!


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