Showing excessive anger means losing every step in life.

in Italylast month

Anger is a natural emotion that manifests at different moments of human life but excess anger creates many problems in human life and sometimes defeats in all aspects of life. Anger is not harmful to people if it is short lived and properly managed but sometimes anger can be used to protest injustice or protect one's rights but excessive anger is always destructive when one is excessively angry. When angry, he can harm himself and the people around him because our brain cannot function properly during anger, so angry people are forced to regret their words or actions later.



Excessive anger can cause obstacles in many areas of life.Family, society, workplace, everywhere. Destroys relationships and even good friends or colleagues distance themselves from an overly angry person.Individuals become lonely.Excessive anger at work can damage an employee's career. It increases the chances of taking, it reduces the quality of work and sometimes big mistakes are made. An angry worker does not feel comfortable to work with other colleagues and gradually loses faith in his work and thus faces failure in work life as well.



When anger becomes chronic, it affects our mental and physical health. Excess anger causes stress which can lead to heart disease, high blood pressure and other physical problems. At the same time, it destroys our peace of mind and can lead to mental illnesses such as anxiety and depression. So controlling anger is very important for living a healthy life. Doing activities of one's choice to become a regular practice of meditation or yoga helps to control anger as it calms the mind and reduces stress.



One of the most effective ways to control anger is to direct our thoughts in a positive direction. When we look at things positively instead of negatively, we don't get angry. Be patient and take life's small problems lightly. It should be tried to reduce anger and maintain peace in life. It is necessary to protect oneself from excess anger in the journey of life. If we can control anger, we can live a more successful and happy life. Always handle the situation with patience and intelligence no


When anger we can harm himself

I wonder what you mean by that. Who is him?

I also wonder why we should control anger. There's a reason why someone is angry and it's better to invest why, where, when the anger starts, and what causes it instead of denying one is angry. If that's the case you can count on the fact the angry person will explode one day. The result will be shooting strangers in a mall, and killing the family or a group of students.

By the way, anger can also give you the energy to do what you were too lazy for, it can be used to create art or stay awake and survive. Anger isn't always negative.

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