Ragazzo fortunato, la fortuna esiste? / Lucky guy? (IT/EN)

in Italylast month

Google Translate traduce già fortuna* (essere fortunati) in felicità. Quindi se traduco la frase olandese "Esiste la felicità", la traduzione data è diversa. Questo dovrebbe far riflettere.

La fortuna sembra andare e venire e dipende dall'individuo cosa sia la fortuna. Per molti, è solo un'espressione come "sei un diavolo fortunato" o cercano di evitare la sfortuna con un certo comportamento.

Se fai una smorfia e l'orologio suona, la tua faccia sarà così per sempre, un gatto nero porta sfortuna e se rompi uno specchio puoi contare su sette anni di sfortuna. L'elenco è infinito se si tratta di ciò che porta sfortuna e se dovessi elencarlo non c'è modo di sfuggire. Se questo è il caso, è karma o Dio ha già deciso che finirai come un pagliaccio per il resto della tua vita, non importa quanto ci provi?
È sfortuna, karma, volontà di Dio o il diavolo che ti dà la caccia? È voodoo, un po' di magia nera, Halloween o il vicino che ti disprezza? Potrebbe essere il nemico, il Grande Fratello, il dottore o il gatto randagio o quello straniero che invidi, ma non credo che la fortuna o la sfortuna siano causate dal numero 13 o

Forse hai sentito parlare della Chiesa Satanica?
In caso contrario, potrebbe essere una buona cosa leggere il libro che Anton LaVey ha scritto e come ha capito una cosa: quanto è facile ingannare le persone e che non si tratta di ciò che vedono ma di come permettono alla loro mente di ingannarle! Ora lascia che ciò affondi. Tutto ciò che devi fare è far credere alle persone in qualsiasi cosa tu voglia che credano.

È come l'ipnotizzatore che fa credere alle persone che ciò che vede è la verità. Anche i dottori, gli psichiatri e gli insegnanti sono bravi in ​​questo, solo leader (spirituali). Le persone tendono a seguire l'esempio e a credere a tutto ciecamente. Per alcuni questo dà pace mentale ed è meraviglioso pensare che non è mai colpa tua se ti succede qualcosa di buono o di cattivo.

Un proverbio olandese dice così: "È una benedizione sotto mentite spoglie", il che dice abbastanza su cosa sia la felicità, niente di più di una sensazione personale da cui trai beneficio (essendo sollevato per il risultato) o che pensi di meritare di meglio di ciò che ti accade.

Nella felicità, il potere del pensiero positivo gioca sicuramente un ruolo, così come una forte personalità. Coloro che preferiscono sedersi in un angolo e piangere e perdere tempo a pregare per chiedere aiuto avranno minime possibilità di avere successo o di incontrare le persone giuste. Non c'è niente di peggio delle persone intorno a te che irradiano negatività e richiedono tutta la tua energia e attenzione.

È karma o dio, destino o è predeterminato come finirai? La decisione è tua. Puoi essere come Faust e fare un patto (e potresti essere molto più motivato dopo perché sei convinto che tutto sta andando bene per te) o puoi trascorrere la tua vita come un caso triste in un angolo finché non hai dimenticato come lamentarti.

Il potere del pensiero positivo sembra generalmente essere meno potente del pensiero catastrofico (il potere del pensiero negativo). Sono d'accordo che se non ti poni degli standard troppo alti, come ha notato @grebmot, la vita non è altro che un colpo di fortuna (lo chiamo essere realisti, il che non significa che tutti i colori siano scomparsi dalla vita).

Il potere del pensiero negativo può essere visto nell'episodio di Woody Woodpecker e Gabby Gator (l'Alligatore più cool...)

Greedy Gabby Gator (1963)

Sei malato, malato malato.

Does luck exist?

Google translate already translates luck* (being lucky) into happiness. So if I translate the Dutch sentence "Does happiness exist" the translation given is different. That should make one think.

Luck seems to come and go and it depends on the individual what luck is. To many, it is just an expression like "you are a lucky devil" or they try to avoid bad luck by certain behaviour.

If you pull a face and the clock strikes your face will be like that forever, a black cat brings bad luck and if you break a mirror you can count on seven years of bad luck. The list is endless if it comes to what brings bad luck and if you would list it there's no way one can escape. If this is the case is it karma or did god already decide that you will end up like a clown for the rest of your life no matter how hard you try?
Is it bad luck, karma, god's will or the devil hunting for you? Is it voodoo, some black magic, Halloween or the neighbour despising you? Could it be the enemy, Big Brother, the doctor or the stray cat or that foreigner you envy but I don't believe that luck or unlucky is caused by the number 13, spilling salt, breaking a mirror or a low education.

Did you hear about the Satanic Church?
If not it might be good to read the book Anton LaVey wrote. He was not just a nobody but a highly intelligent man with many jobs and very skilled. He observed people and gave them what they asked for. I noticed long before how easy it is to fool people and trick them because they love to believe it is true. They allow their minds to trick them! Now let that sink because this is exactly what we see around us. People believe because they want to. There's no god or devil doing to blame.

It is like the hypnotist who makes people believe that what he sees is the truth. Those who are also good at this are doctors, psychiatrists, and teachers just like (spiritual) leaders. People tend to follow the strong one and trust blindly. For some, this gives peace of mind and it is wonderful to think that it is never your fault if something bad happens.

A Dutch proverb goes like this: "Een geluk bij een ongeluk" (It is a blessing in disguise) which says enough about what luck is which is nothing more than a personal feeling that you benefit from (being relieved about the result).

If it comes to luck, the power of positive thinking definitely plays a role, as does a strong personality. Those who prefer to sit in a corner and cry and waste their time praying for help will have minimal chance of becoming successful or meeting the right people. There is nothing worse than being surrounded and hindered by people radiating negativity and demanding all your energy and attention.

Is it karma, a god, goddess, the sun, moon, or fate or is it predetermined how you will live your life?
To my opinion the decision is yours. You can be like Faust and make a pact (and you may be much more motivated afterwards because you are convinced luck is at your hand) or you can spend your life as a sad case in a corner until you have forgotten how to complain.

The power of positive thinking generally seems to be less powerful than doom thinking (the power of negative thinking). I agree that if you don't set your standards too high, as @grebmot noted, life is nothing but a stroke of luck (I call this the result of a realistic attitude which doesn't mean that all the colour has disappeared from life if you set realistic goals).

The power of negative thinking can be seen in the episode of Woody Woodpecker and Gabby Gator (the coolest Alligator)

Greedy Gabby Gator (1963)

Man you are sick. You are sick, sick sick......

Translation by google free
You can share your thoughts about "La fortuna esiste?"(does luck exist) in the comment section of DigiItaly #69 or write a post @rokhani @sbamsoneu @cryptopie
Please, post in English or Italian and use the hashtag #diginnasio

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To be fair, I talk so much I barely remember half of it (if I was consistent about the things I say in the first place). As a whole I figure life is pretty deterministic, even if there's a degree of randomness to it. Nuclear decay and such. Still, the assumption of free will seems necessary in a practical sense, but not in terms of it being literally true. It's kind of a work hypothesis, or like an incorrect assumption you hold on to, because it delivers results. Like luck potentially.

Take religious doctrine, taboos, and that sort of stuff. We don't always know why things happen, but we're pretty good at spotting patterns and adjusting our behavior accordingly. It's an outcome based approach. Not sure, but I think it's related to the concept of empiricism, or rather the idea of "learning" from experience. You won't be always right, there's that whole fallacy about attributing a false correlation between events because they're seemingly sequential, but you won't be always wrong either. Like saying ladders are bad luck. Not because Zeus was actually chucking lightning bolts at you, but because it's shorthand for staying away from falling objects, or whatever keeps injuring the happy go lucky.

In terms of having bad karma I reckon some really do have a dark cloud following them. Traditionally speaking I believe karma isn't as much of a cosmic justice system, but more a "what comes around goes around" kind of acknowledgement of consequences. Eat a lot, gain weight. Treat people like shit, off with your head. That's an oversimplification, but you get it. Might be more subtle in many cases, but we all know someone who keeps magnetically attracting bad luck. Might be really just that, purely statistically speaking, but then I'd argue at some point becomes something else. Like consistently picking abusive partners.

Don't nail me on this, I'm just rambling :-).

 last month 

You are not just rambling but sharing your thoughts in a high tempo l. It makes sense to me even if you say you are just rambling. It's logic to me and understanding is also part of the life experiences.

Do I know someone attracting bad luck? As you spoke about the cloud I saw Eyeore and if it comes to people I say no.
Iseveryone around me happy, living an easy life? No, but what overcomes them isn't bad luck but the result of them being unable to change a few of their bad working out habits.

So no bad luck but a reaction to a certain action which isn't karma or due to their horoscope or some devil picking at them.

Thanks you took the time to write and share.


No worries.

Congratulations! Your Comment has been upvoted through @steemcurator04. We support good comment anywhere..


Curated by : @fombae

 last month (edited)

I believe in KARMA, life gives you back the bad and the good that you do, I have heard many people complain about their bad luck, that everything happens to them, maybe they forget that they hurt other people, but the universe always reacts by charging a price for bad actions.
For example, have you noticed that most rulers die a slow and painful death, there must be a reason for that.
I do NOT like negative people, I immediately stay away from them.
I think that luck is in ourselves, it is a combination of faith in what you choose to believe, the point is faith, then positive energy and visualizing everything we want, that is how the miracle.


 last month 

Happy New Year, may GOD grant you excellent health.
Thank you very much for your support.
I wish you a happy weekend

Thank you dear @lupega I will pass the message.
I wish you good night. Don't stay up the entire night or you are too tired to dance.

Sweet dreams
@ wakeupkitty

 last month 

YOU are a contrast of tenderness, common sense, intelligence and above all a lot of sincerity, I like this, when we find sincerity in people we know what to expect, we do NOT have to dissimulate anything, what needs to be said is said, I am sincere in my words and actions, some like it, others get upset, but I will NOT change.
I wish you a happy start to the week

 last month 

Kebahagian tidak akan datang dengan sendirinya, kita harus mencari. Kebahagian tidak hanya dengan mempunyai sesuatu hal yang banyak, seperti mempunyai kekayaan yang melimpah, karena kekayaan tidak bisa dibeli dengan uang. Sungguh suatu keberuntungan bagi mereka yang mempunyai kebahagian dengan cara sederhana. Kebahagian itu juga tergantung nasib seseorang, kita harus merubah nasib kita sendiri, untuk caranya kita juga yang menentukan.

Karma akn datang disaat kita tidak menduganya, kebaikan akan dibals dengan kebaikan, keburukan juga akn datang keburukan kepada kita, tetapi tidak tau kapan akn datangnya.

Disaat kita menolong orang, kita juga jangan mengharapkan orang itu akn menolong kita, karena nanti yang menolong kita bisa saja orang lain.

Begitu juga dengan keburukan, disaat kita mencelakai orang lain, karma itu akn berbaik kepada kita bisa jadi melalui sesuatu yang tidak kita duga.

Hari ini lebih baik dari kemarin, itu adalah keberuntungan dan kebaikan bagi kita, apabila hari ini lebih buruk dari kemarin maka ini suatu malapetaka dan musibah untuk kita.

 last month 

I don't believe I compare the days if it comes to the dose of luck or bad luck, health, happiness and unhappiness. It doesn't work that way, at least not for me. I do believe that if you always help someone out you can expect this person does something back even if it's only showing some kindness and respect or the fact he is happy being helped. It's not okay to state that one person should always give, sacrifice, invest and should wait till one day, perhaps, someone else will reward his kindness or not. The reality is that all those who are extremely kind attract abusive people, scammers, liars, thieves. If those kind people were rewarded like you state there wouldn't be that many being in high mental need. A balance is needed.

 last month 

Suatu hari kita akan melakukan sebuah perjalanan yang jauh, seseorang terjatuh dari motornya, tanpa sengaja kita membangunkannya, sedangkan kita tidak mengenalnya, orang tersebut pasti mengucapkan terimakasih.

Disaat kita berada di kota lain lagi, saya yang di tolong orang lain di saat saya jatuh, bukan orang yang saya tolong tadi yang datang menolong saya.

Bagi seseorang di saat dia menolong orang lain pasti meminta imbalan walaupun dengan membantu memikul barang orang di pasar, dia itu bukan menolong tapi bekerja.

Pertolongan sesama tetangga itu yang beda, ada pertolongan tanpa mengharapkan imbalan yaitu dengan rasa ikhlas, ada juga mengharapkan pamrih, itu semua tergantung jiwa raga seseorang.

Orang yang selalu mengharap pertolongan orang selalu setiap hari juga terlihat dari sifatnya, ada yang patut selalu di bantu, ada juga yang hanya cukup sekali atau dua kali saja di bantu.

 last month 

Bantuan memiliki wajah yang berbeda. Menanyakan apa yang bisa Anda lakukan dan mendengarkan jawabannya bisa menjadi bantuan yang sama besarnya dengan menawarkan bantuan untuk menyeberang jalan, atau membantu membawakan barang belanjaan. Apakah hal itu berhasil? Begitu juga dengan berkomentar, membacanya, dan menyebutkannya.

Apakah bantuan yang diberikan kepada tetangga berbeda? Jika Anda bertanya kepada saya, hal ini lebih egois karena tetangga tinggal di dekat Anda dan Anda mungkin membutuhkan orang tersebut di masa depan, yang berarti Anda harus terlibat untuk memastikan bahwa Anda akan menerima bantuannya suatu hari nanti jika Anda membutuhkannya.

Hal ini tidak semudah yang dikatakan, namun sudah menjadi sifat manusia untuk terhubung dan melakukan sesuatu dengan pemikiran bahwa bantuan tersebut akan dibalas suatu hari nanti.

Hal yang sama berlaku untuk hubungan. Anda tidak bisa hanya menerima dan mengharapkan pasangan Anda melakukan segalanya untuk Anda sementara Anda bersandar dan bersikap pemarah. Pasangan Anda mengharapkan sesuatu kembali dari Anda dan saya ragu Anda akan menyukainya jika tetangga, keponakan atau orang asing yang membalas budi baik tersebut.

Mengharapkan sesuatu sebagai balasan adalah hal yang normal. Jika tidak, tidak ada alasan untuk tetap berpegang pada kontrak yang telah ditandatangani atau mengajarkan anak-anak untuk menunjukkan rasa hormat dan mengucapkan "terima kasih".

 last month 


Terimakasih banyak atas dukungan yang anda berikan, atas komentar saya ini.

Sukses selalu untuk anda semua.

 last month (edited)

Dear friend, I believe in both God's will and devil's hunt. These two circumstances do exist. When we don't listen to God's advices, we bump into shifting sands (and this mishap truly happened to me, yes, I was a blasé teenager and young adult, during my youth times...but nothing to do with the poor dear cute black cats nor broken mirrors nor similar, as these are merely superstitions: it's mostly human's behaviour for good or for bad that makes the difference). And devil's hunt exists also (only God's power to defeat). Karma is a term borrowed by the New Age, so I prefer the word backlash (the so said backlash law). Good night♥️

 last month 

I don't think the opposite of god's will is devil's hunt or? You were a blasé teenager and young adult? I never have thought that. I assume superstitions are based on something and it was good enough for the church to kill many innocent people and the black cats in Europe. If you think about it this is more than just cruel.
I wonder if there's a huge difference between all those superstitious thoughts and the "hell and al the punishment" many believers suffer from. I rather believe that if it's about love there's hope, chance, doing good and if it comes to that threatening is a bad thing and the one preaching practising this isn't a lovely person.
I agree with you that whatever goes wrong is the result of human behaviour.
Karma, it's indeed some "modern" expression but it feels as if it's less popular than it was years before. I rarely hear people mention it.
Backlash is a good one. I agree if it comes to that law. Sweet dreams and a great start of the week.

 last month 

The same Catholic church in the middle age boosted superstition. Catholic church had only the name of Christian, but in fact various popes and priests were serving the devil. It's to make a distinction between institutional churches (many times, they belong to the devil and only pursuing material goods: a movie in Portuguese, called Entrevista com o diabo, literally meaning interview to the devil, shows the issue) and the individuals believers. A lot of time, it's not the same thing...good Sunday♥️

 last month 

I have the feeling that same church still reigns and nothing has changed. I have a look if I can find that film.
Not too long ago I found out that the religion a part of my family joined was the Dutch State religion. They sent a card for my birthday accompanied with an envelope. The message on the card said: Congratulations with your birthday for sure you want to give your support.
I threw it away. A few days later they showed up and asked for the envelope. I asked: What envelope. The one for your birthday you have to give us 10% of your monthly salary. I told them I would not give them anything and they should give to me since it's my birthday and I am poor! I believe I was the first who said that. I also told them to unsubscribe from their club.

A happy Sunday to you and for later sweet dreams

 last month (edited)

Unfortunately, the movie was removed from YouTube, but you can still find it in Facebook at this link:


The only issue I'm not sure you'll find Dutch or English subtitles, as it's Portuguese language...

Ps.: about the question of the 10%, it's a delicate question I'm not completely able to solve in a single post. First of all, it's to say it has its roots on the faith of the ancient Jews and its aim isn't to impoverish people (it was born to support the priests from the tribe of Levi that didn't receive a territory as the other 11 tribes, as they had a separate path and now is to support, for ex., missionaries who must travel abroad, the bills of the reunions' community place, etc.). In any way, if a member is too poor, in its turn should be supported by the church. In the countries I know, a serious church won't ask for money to people who aren't members, nor insists to ask to its members who are poor. I don't know the Dutch State church (in any way, I may suppose a single community possibly could be different from the other in terms of habits).

 last month 

I will find the film for sure online 123movies or hdmovies today or so but I can't load films ow so I will ask my children to find it for me and for their phone 🤭

No need to answer the 10% question. I find it questionable and refused. A church should offer help to those in need and not take from those in need. Not even a word of encouragement.
The card was a cheap printed one and was't send from the heart but to collect money which I already at that age found despicable. Ifyou never care why should I care? I have strong doubts where the money will flow to.

The only church I kniw who cared was the one my grandmoter went to. They had at least 6 collections all for different reasons so there was clearity. They also announced the sick and absent ones, those they visited, the ones they brought flowers and fruits and prayed for them. Although it was a very strict believe and most people slept they had at times great music bands (drums and so on) included.

We didn't live nearby so the visit of that church was rare and in the end my grandmother no longer went because she said she had to cough (she always did to attract attention). She sent us but that didn't took long. Not sure why all of a sudden the church visits just like reading the bible after dinner was skipped. 🤔

 last month 

If you click to the Facebook link, there is the film no need to download. Maybe the setting tools let you see the subtitle in English at least.
I'm sorry cause the lamentable experience with the Dutch church. Probably, your grandmother's different church was similar to this:
where I got baptized 15 years ago (it closed in 2022 cause the high expenses of the hall and the members divided into 2 or 3 sister churches. The regents are from Argentina, as the singer, one of my best friends, mother of 2 teenagers. I was very happy in that environment and it was a pain to leave it when I definitely moved abroad.

Being late to comment again. Bad luck or luck is just name. We see many events that we then associate with luck or bad luck. All of these are facts that occur for some who believe in karma, of course they say this is karma from previous actions. However, I see it perhaps more broadly. All events are a chain of cause and effect, all are consequences that must be faced when previous actions are carried out. That by believing in karma we will be able to think better to avoid bad actions is a good point. And we can ask @bahrol for his opinion too
I made a post to see this luck side
Here the link https://steemit.com/hive-184714/@rokhani/intellectual-spirituality-to-face-luck-and-bad-luck-a-comment-to-wakeupkitty-pal-s-post
warm regard from Indonesia

 last month 

Karma itu ada karena adanya sebab akibat. Kita tidak mengatakan itu karna tapi lebih mengatakan itu musibah.

Seperti disaat seseorang memukul orang lain, namun dia akan mendapat keburukan juga terhadap dirinya, sebagian orang akn berkata ini adalah karma baginya atas apa yang sudah dia lakukan kepada orang lain.

Karma maupun musibah itu bisa membuat seseorang menyadari akn kesalahannya dan insaf, busa jadi hidupnya menjadi lebih buruk.

Karma baik dan karma buruk tergantungpada amal dana perbuatan. Perbuatan baik akan mendapatkanbalasan yang baik, bisa jadi langsung dibalas ataua akan terjadi di masa yang kan datang. Demikian juga perbuatan buruk akan mendatangkan akibat buruk baik seketika atau akan datang waktunya di asa depan.
Meski kita tidak menegnal karma dan hanya tahu dari membaca atau cerita orang saya termasuk percaya segala sesuatu yang kita lakukan akan berdampak pada diri dan lingkungan, Kita lihat contohnya saat ilegal logging dilakukan secra massif kita merasakan dampak buruknya yaitu saat musim hujan banjir lebih ssering terjadi akibat tidak ada daerah peresapan air dan hujan langsung menghantam permukaan tanah. Demikian juga terjadi rusaknya habitat hewan di hutan mneyebabkan masuknya hewan ke ladang atau pemukiman. Semua itu menjadi periingatan bagi kita semua untuk sellau menjaga diri dari perbuata buruk tanpa harus berpikir karma atau bukan.

Benar apa yang and akatakan karma akan bisa membuat orang lebih baik atau buruk, namun sebagai sebuah gerajkan moral ada baiknya kita tahu tentang karma untuk peringatan dini agar terhindar darii perbuatan buruk. Kita harus sellau berpedoman dengan ungkapan siapa menabur akan menuai, siapa menabur angin akan menuai badai sedemikian juga siapa menabur benih kebajikan akan menuai kebajikan pula.

 last month 

Bad luck as a result of a chain of bad reactions is a good one. I believe that is exactly what it is . I will read your post. Thanks for joining. Did you use the hashtag so you join the contest set by digitally?

Congratulations! Your Post has been upvoted through @steemcurator04. We support good post anywhere..


Curated by : @fombae

I use hastag as your advice

 last month 

Super! Good luck with the contest.

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