On moving the firms and shaping the markets with will and want for creating a better present and future, and when doing entrepreneurship inside the firms!

in WORLD OF XPILAR13 days ago


We are just rejecting statements and beliefs that are not our own, and we should be ourselves in the firms, and we are here to shape and to develop ourselves, and we are just within and without the firms from time to time, and we are loyal and not in protests about anything while we are in the working firm as we are, and we should always make the opposition as good as we can with challenging them with literature, theories, and empirical facts and data while we are here, and we are open for doing what we want with the life, when we are living and operating as we are from time to time. And we should not have too much religion inside the firms, and we should instead be ourselves in the human nature in the nature just as we were coming, and we should develop ourselves and our environments with all kinds of reading and writing material about how things are when we are here.

So, to any times, there have been explanations and data, and we are just forming ourselves with new and established things in the firms where we are working, and we are delivering quality to the organizations and the environments, and we are here to shape the people we are forming, and there are plenty and enough things to do something about while we are here, and we should put efforts on understanding the schools and using the schools on different levels, just as we are having them and leaving them while we are here, and there is always something more to know, and we are here on the blue planet to form and to sustain and to develop the dialogues that are are having with the markets, and it is a disaster that the universities not are the best on every study programs on every position, and we should know what the associations really are about, and what can be done to play and manipulate the words, and the sentences we are filling with meaning, views, standpoints and philosophy while we are here, and the philosophers of any times, have just tried to shape and to understand the life and its operations and environments while we are here on the blue planet. And the philosophy is the wisdom and love of knowing something, and we can also be challenging and things can be dangerous and skeptical about how the reality should be understood. So, knowing something can be a pleasure, and it can be dangerous about what can happen, and what is still happening to any times while we are here, and life is about cognitions, emotions and actions, and sometimes we are using combinations of these things to shape the daily life in the organizations, also with having the meetings as we are having from time to time, and the meeetings are about setting some new and established points for considerations while we are here as we are while being here as humans just as the human can be and just like humans have ever and forever being engaged with anything while being on the blue planet, and being in the universe, and there can be a Big Bang in the reality and there can be climate changes that are causing the weather to be like it is from time to time, and maybe the religions are just something we just invented since we did not were sure about what, how and why about the meaning of life, and where we are moving after the life on the earth, and nobody has ever known anything for sure, and hence we are believing and guessing much while we are there, and the competence and the education and the research background are giving us opportunities just as we are as human creatures while we are where we are, and we are always with our human bodies in a human system with beliefs and languages and philosophy and visions about what the life is, and how we should understand different things that are happening.

And entrepreneurship is just about working as we are alone and together with other people, and we are using the ideas, and we are making the ideas in commercial ways, and we are doing the business as it should be done, and operating from day to day, and we are trying to develop the working climate, and earning a growth and profit for the firms where we are, and we are developing ourselves and other people while we are here, and sometimes there are nothing to learn, sometimes there is something to learn, and at other times there are many things to learn, and entrepreneurship is about taking the risk and being able and capable of dare to do something known and/or unknown, and for using the employees, the employer and the stakeholders to move the firm as we want it. So, entrepreneurship is about obtaining processes and outcomes both in the short run and in the long run. And the products that we have is what we are using.

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Sverre Larsen

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