My Rocket League JourneysteemCreated with Sketch.


Around four to five years back, I got into the game Rocket League. At the start, my Wi-Fi sucked, so playing was a mess. But then my buddy Dylan got it on his Xbox, and we kicked off with some offline tournaments. We both got hooked really quickly. After a few weeks, things got even more exciting. I found out I could play solo on my old PC, though it felt weird switching from a controller to keyboard and mouse after playing at Dylan's. Still, I got the hang of it.

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Then, COVID hit. Outdoor hangouts went out the window, so it was Rocket League time with Dylan. But then I got sucked into Fortnite for a bit. Dylan couldn't join 'cause of his folks' rules on Fortnite. Eventually I got a bit bored with Fortnite so we reunited on Rocket League. By then, I had moved far away, about a 90-minute drive from where we used to live.

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We kept at it, starting at silver. I edged ahead to silver two while Dylan stayed silver one. We grinded day in, day out, and we hit gold! From there, things sped up. We hit platinum a few weeks later. We were buzzing! Diamond was the next target. We tried even harder, hitting plat 3 fast, but then we hit a wall. I made it to diamond and held low diamond, but Dylan couldn't crack it. After months, we took a break from Rocket League, and I went back to Fortnite for about a year.

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Fast forward one and a half years: I became good friends with this guy from soccer, who introduced me to another guy who is now one of my really good friends - Michael. We connected over Minecraft and eventually, I introduced him to Rocket League. I coached him, and we climbed together. I hit diamond two, he hit diamond one. We kept pushing, hitting high diamond. I was always so close to diamond three, almost champ, while Michael hovered between low diamond three and high diamond two. After a year, school swallowed up Michael's time, and he had to bail. 2024 rolled in, and I was left without a partner.

I took a break from RL since Michael dipped, trying out other games, but none were as fun as RL - I mean it’s soccer and I love soccer! So, I returned, searching for a new duo.

February passed without luck. March brought a few prospects, but they were busy with school or family stuff. Some weren't even into RL anymore. And here I am in April, still on the hunt for a duo. But I haven't stopped grinding. I play solo a lot now, teaming up with randos, and I've improved heaps since those days with Dylan and Michael. Today, I hit champ with an online buddy.

That's my RL journey so far. Hoping to find a new duo soon and push even further, maybe even go pro someday.

until next time...



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