The Inktober Challenge 2022 | #1 Gargoyle | Drawing challenge

in WORLD OF XPILAR2 years ago

The Inktober is a drawing challenge created by Jake Parker, in which the whole month of October, you must draw a drawing in ink or other material every day. October has 31 days, so there will be a total of 31 drawings. A word is assigned each day of the month, which will serve as inspiration for each drawing, i.e., if today's word is gargoyle, that will be the word of inspiration for the drawing. It is an excellent challenge, it helps to loosen the hand and to speed up the strokes in terms of drawing or to have better imagination or creation for ideas. I did this challenge two years ago and at that time, it helped me a lot to improve my drawing all that month, so I wanted to participate again this year.


Original JesberChavez

SEPARADOR cactus.png

Today's word and the one that kicks off this new Inktober 2022 is "gargoyle" and I'm going to be honest, I absolutely loved this word, as I got the idea of the drawing the instant I read it.


When I read the word "gargoyle", I immediately thought of the character I was going to make. It came to my mind to make those typical gothic and dark gargoyles that we see in horror or vampire movies, but of course, in my style.


I started to make the sketch very easily, as I already had a clear idea, I just took my sketchbook and little by little I shaped my idea. I had thought of making the gargoyle as a stone type or simulating the same, but in the end I stayed with my initial idea, to make a gargoyle character in my style.


Once I had the sketch done and finished, I started with the fun part, painting. The challenge allows you to work with materials that are not only the ink, but everything is oriented to draw and practice every day. I used to give life to my drawing black cold paint, combining it with some lines with the help of my rapidograph, which is with black ink.


The truth is that I thought it was going to take me much longer to make and finish the drawing, but it was the opposite. In an hour or a little more, I had the first drawing completely finished.

I hope you like it!

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⬜️◾️Final Work◽️⬛️


Original Jesber Chavez


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  • 1 : GARGOYLE

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Summary of the whole Process


SEPARADOR cactus.png

Thank you for entering the publication.✨

#inktober2022 #inktober #jakeparker


 2 years ago 

Very cool drawing and cool idea. I'm surprised how correct the lines are. My hands are not capable of this :)

 2 years ago 

Great work. very nice style.

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