Finding And Aligning With Your Purpose [Part 2/3]

in WORLD OF XPILARlast month

Everyone, no matter their background, has a unique purpose that they have to fulfil. From our last episode, we saw some tips that can point one to the right direction of fulfilling their purpose. One of the things to understand is that it is the sole responsibility of each one to individually embark on the discovery of what they are supposed to be, in order to fully maximise their destiny. Here, we shall take some more ways by which one can discover and ultimately realise themselves and uncover their hidden abilities. Just to let you know, there is no one without a unique purpose, but onus is on you to discover it.


Image from Pexels

The first way that can help one to find and align with their purpose is to read and research more about the issues of life and other things. I once read a sign on the entrance of one of the libraries I once visited, and it says "open a book today and it will open you up." This is when I realized the power embedded in reading. If you explore books and other materials related to life, nature, philosophy, etc, it will tend to expose you to a whole new level of things that you may not have ever known. As a matter of fact, you cannot effectively unlock your hidden potentials if you are not a person that is committed to reading and researching.

In addition to reading, you also need to come under the tutelage of the people that have been able to discover their own purpose and then follow their steps to uncover your own. Trust me, when you apply the principles that have worked for someone, you are likely to also get similar result. No wonder it has been said that when you stand on the shoulders of the people that have seen and gone far in life, you will also see and go far. People can pass to you the methods they have used to find and align with their purpose to also find yours. There are proven people in the field that you are in, so do not live in isolation.

After you have listened and observed people, you also need to try out new things in life. If you have listened and been taught by successful people, without putting to practice what you have learnt, it will not bring profits to you. More so, it is in the process of trying out new things that you will discover what you have abilities for. A few years back, I was once thought by a master in one particular skill. After that, I decided to put to practice what I have learnt, and to my surprise, I did not know I had the abilities to undertake the skill in a very long while. But if I did not put it to practice, I would not have known.

You have to be a doer in order to fulfil your purpose. No matter what you have learnt or discovered, if you do not empower it with action, the fulfilment may not come. Do not be afraid or shy to try out a new things. If Thomas Edison has not tried his invention a couple of times, he would not have invented it and his name would not have found entrance into the science hall of fame. What you are scared of doing might just hold the key to unlocking what your purposes are. No wonder this popular adage has this to say:

The cave you are most scared of entering may hold the treasures you are looking for.


Image from Pexels

Be a risk-taker as a way to realise and release your hidden abilities. You will not know the level of your abilities until you have taken actions and risks. But when you have taken the risks, you will be surprised what you are empowered for. Without taking prompt actions as at when due, you will not be able to fully function in your own place. If you stay too long at a place or in your comfort zone, you may be depriving yourself of something great. Each phase of success that you want to achieve will always require you to move out of your zone of comfort and do something that, most times, may be scary or discomforting. Always remember that the journey to self-discovery is not the one that is full of roses but with obvious responsibilities, hardness, and commitment.

Thanks for reading

Peace on y'all

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