The Location Advantage

in WORLD OF XPILARlast month

I normally tell people that being at the right location has already put you a step further in your journey to achieving success. Some people do not make a headway in their dreams, not because they are not dreaming rightly, but because they have not determined the right location for them to execute their dreams. It is not enough to know what you are to do and how to do it, it is also a very vital necessity to know where to do it. When you locate the right location for everything that you want to do, it will give you a fair advantage and a boost to get it done and succeed at it.


Image from Pexels

If you want to start a business for example, when you are doing your analysis and business planning, it should also include where to start the business. There are some businesses that can do very well in a particular place but not in another location. For example, if you want to start up an air conditioning or refrigerator business, you will not consider a location that naturally experiences extreme cold temperatures almost all year round. Of course, they will not need it because they already have natural cold. But if you choose a location that experiences the heat waves, you will sell very well because they need the product for the heat.

When I was much younger, I visited one of my uncles who lived in the north-central part of the country with his family, who is also a farmer. When I got there, in one of the occasions he was going to the farm, I followed him and to my surprise, I saw some plants that I never saw where we lived. In fact, there was a specie of apple that he planted, which was also exclusive to just that particular location. After a while of thinking, I asked my uncle why it is only that particular place that the specie of apple grows, and he simply replied that it is because of the weather.

That place is among the coldest regions in the country. As a matter of fact, at some point, ice normally fell there just like the polar caps. So the specie of apple, which grows in the cold region can also survive there and nowhere else in the country. This drives down to the fact that location is very important. Now imagine if you take the same seed to the Southwestern part of the same country and plant it, it will not grow. Same seed but difference in location will determine if it will grow or not. What I learnt from that was; if something does not seem to work, do not be quick to conclude that you are not doing the right thing, it might just be that you need to check if the location is right for it.

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Image from Pexels

Over the years, I have come to realise that doing something in the right location will bring ease to whatever you are doing. On the other hand, deviating from the right location will bring untold challenges and hardness. Take for example; if a fish leaves its natural location, which is the water, and decides to live on land, it will face so many challenges and will not even exist for few moments. I used to tell people that "no matter the kind of abilities and talents that you posses, being in the wrong location can bring limitations to them, but the right location will amplify them." If you want to achieve lasting success, then you have to take the issue of location seriously.

That someone else is making something great in another location does not mean that you should blindly replicate the same in your own location. You have to determine your own location. More so, you should also know that the right location now may not always be the right location forever, so you have to be sensitive to determine when a location loses its rightness. A location may be right for you today but if it seems not to be right again today, then nothing stops you from moving out and finding a new location, especially for businesses and other things that are location-dependent. Remember that the success of any business can be greatly determined by the location of the business.

Thanks for reading

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