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RE: Your Top 3 - March 2020 - My Worst Movies

in Your Top 3 Contest4 years ago

OMG YES! Another that thinks the Avatar movie was horrible. I am a fan of the series and this movie just crushed me. It was just so awful it could make one cry from frustration. Notice, it made #1 on my list of bad movies in my post .

Batman and Robin... honestly, why is there even a Robin. Does Batman really need a sidekick when his whole outfit and car and everyone he works with is sufficient? A bat and a bird don't even mix... Just my thoughts. :p


Me too, I loved the series but the movie ah it missed the mark so bad I don’t even know how it got passed surely they know people who know the source material and would say this is not going to go down well

I think they wanted to be as over the top as possible with this one and it missed the mark I mean it can’t appeal to children or adults it’s just bad! I wouldn’t wish watching it on my worst enemy

I have no idea how it got out. Did it pass the deadline and ran out of money and say it's now or never? Did they hope the general of people didnt see the series?

This picture here makes me think how the movie was made...


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