in Steem Ghana2 years ago


With the current Secretary

Hello Everyone,

I had to honor an invitation to a departmental meeting today. As the immediate past president, I was called on to address the attendees.

The meeting was scheduled for 12 pm so I made good use of my morning by making a sports post and revising my lecture notes. Afterward, I prepared what I was going to address at the meeting.


Meeting ongoing

The meeting took place as planned. A lot was said about the current state of the association and the way forward. I commend the current president for his composure and how well the kept the meeting under control as the chairperson.

The meeting was brief and concise. We shared a lot of ideas and drew a plan for the activities brought on board. Another meeting will follow soon enough to assess how far the plans are going.


With the current Vice, Secretary and President from the left

I planned on getting a haircut after the meeting but there were too many customers at the barbering salon so postponed that. I passed by a friend's place to watch movies until the day died out.

That is how I ended my day.

Thanks for passing by

 2 years ago 

Thank you for honouring the meeting with such responsibility. You are truly a good leader. Nice pictures. Steem on!

@juzkid upvoted you 😄🎉🎉🎉

 2 years ago 


 2 years ago 

You had a good day. I wish the president and his executive a success. Nice pictures, keep sharing friend

 2 years ago 


Nice pictures. Keep doing good work

 2 years ago 

The secretary looks like you and I admire her smile towards you. It seems the two of you have some things in common?

 2 years ago 

Just assumptions 😂. We don't have anything in common biara

 2 years ago 

Assumptions have possibilities and that is why physics is one thing I love. I believe you do too because it clear you a lot in common 😅😅😅

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