The Dairy Game : (26/01/2022) - My Wednesday Activities // Meeting Up With a Friend // Buying Food at Work // Buying Food at Home

in Steem Ghana2 years ago

Hello steeemians,

How is everybody doing today? I am here to give another dairy game. I am very happy to have the chance again to interact with you all.

So today wasn’t really a bad day. I had woke up in the morning and did my morning activities like usual. I brushed. Did my exercise and took a bath

After a short while I ate my breakfast and head towards work. I had gone to work around 11am. There were people sitting to barber, so I just got started with work and after a short while, me and my colleagues were able to get done with everyone that came to barber.


      After barbering everybody

Whiles we were sitting my friend came over to the salon without my notice. A short while it was time for lunch. My friend didn’t have money in cash with him. So went went for him to withdraw first. We went to our usual place where we buy our food. We got it and came back.



   Withdrawing money from an agent

When we went to buy the food. A lot of people also wanted to buy so we kept long. We came back after buying. We ate and right away work started again. Actually work was fun today and that was it for the day


             Buying food

So we closed from work and on my way home I stoped to buy some bread and drink as I became hungry again.


         Buying bread and drink

Actually this was how my day went. Thank you so much for you time I really appreciate it.

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