Don't Look Back, Thus Not Where You Are Going

in Steem Ghana2 years ago

Ever heard of the hell loop? Those negative thoughts you can't shake off end up bringing in even more negative thoughts until you can't do anything about anything and you feel powerless and broken and life seems to just take hold of you or something and you have no idea what to do or something.


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Yh, that thing is responsible for lots of negative things happening to us as humans one of them is causing us to look back at a situation that we knew was already bad, got stuck in it, and suffered to come out. It causes us to rethink in ways we shouldn't and give chances we shouldn't until we end up not just looking back but going back altogether.

Today I am here to tell you not to do that, I am here to tell you not to look back for it may get you to go back when you shouldn't, life is all about moving forward, going into the newness of life, planning and preparing for life, overcoming obstacles, learning from your mistakes and doing what you ought to do to reach your goal. If you left something behind it ain't part of your tomorrow.


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So say no to the hell loop, don't allow it in, keep it at bay, hold on fast and do your very best to focus on your goal, focus on the journey ahead, the destination, and remember that we do not move back rather forward, don't stop moving for anything, keep a clear mind and know that the future holds more in store for you, let your past teach you, but don't go back to your past yet you be stuck in the past.

 2 years ago 

You are right about the fact that life is all about moving forward. However, the past experience should guide our way as we are moving forward.

Thanks for sharing.

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