Don't Miss Breakfast

in Steem Ghana2 years ago

One of the most healthy habits we can develop as individuals which could go a long way to ensuring that we have an overall great health and a better well-being is to not joke with our diet. A dietician may agree with me when i say we are what we eat and this couldn't be far from the truth. A lot of factors come into play when it comes to our health but one of them that stands tall is our diet.


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How well you eat and the kind of foods you eat can make all the difference for you. Some foods are actually more detrimental to your health than if you had not taken anything. It is recommended that we take in lots of fruits and vegetables in our diet for a great immune system and for an improved digestive system function.

But that's not what i seek to talk about today, i am basically here today to tell you not to miss breakfast. It may sound absurd especially if you are not a breakfast person or an early eater however it is well known that breakfast is the most important meal of the day and that individuals who are keen about it have a healthy life.

Our start of the day requires us to be at our optimum level in terms of energy, this helps keeps our focus sharp and enables us to do the needful throughout our day. Taking your breakfast could mean all the difference in the activeness with which you work or carry yourself during the day.

Ideally you should go with something heavy but easy digesting, this is because the slow digesting foods like fat would draw more energy to your core to help facilitate the digestion process which could slow your mental processing down and result in tardiness which is the direct opposite of what we are seeking to achieve.

Instead, go in for cereals, ensure that you diet it balanced as most cereals are full carbohydrates, it is best to add some sausages or eggs for protein and some salad to give you vitamins and minerals, you also get to have some amount of lipids from the frying of the sausage or egg and at the end of everything you start the day with a balanced diet and a great amount of energy.


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So don't miss breakfast, develop good eating habits for a healthy life and you would be proud of the decision you have made and the good impact it tends to have on your life.

 2 years ago 

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day indeed, i believe we would all be encouraged to not skip it, thanks for this education

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 2 years ago 

It is good to have all these for the greatness of the life.

Thanks for sharing.

 2 years ago 

It is good not to miss breakfast, normal one might become week when it happens like that. I hope it does not take us to a different level.


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