Truth or Lie

in Steem Ghana2 years ago

Have you ever found yourself in that dire situation where that lie that you told ended up blowing up in your face, things escalating so quickly that you are at sea and don't know what to do or how to react to the whole scene or situation, you wish you had not lied in the first place and wonder if you could ever repair the damages that your lies may have created?


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The very people you perhaps lied to protect, the very people you loved enough to go to such extreme lengths for them are now hurt so much such that things may never be the same. Then you start to wonder if lying is even an option anymore, should you have gone with the truth in the first place? Was it truly worth it lying? If only you could go back in time.

And then there is the situation where that truth you told ends up blowing up in your face, perhaps that truth ought not to have been told, or perhaps you should have just shut up and not said anything allowing people to think whatever they want to think and pretend like you don't care or doesn't have any idea as to what is happening. Then the enigma begins.

One of life's greatest mysteries, puzzles that seem unsolvable, when to tell the truth and when to tell a white lie, it is even necessary, to tell the truth, or tell a lie, are they worth it, what if things blow up in your face like before, what is the best approach that could help you avoid such situation happening again shortly? Well, there's no simple solution or shortcut.


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You can only hope and pray that whatever decisions you go with in life will not blow up in your face and that you will not regret it. There is no yes or no or sure way to go about this but I can recommend the truth though as it is always the best option in most cases, you can perhaps look at the situation and those involved and see what would suit it best. In all, I wish you the very best in between the two.

 2 years ago 

The truth is always painful. But lies just keep compiling the pains.


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