The diarygame-2nd June,2021:My Wednesday Activities@obeygh The Route to Retreat.

in Steem Ghana3 years ago

Hi lovely family is a beautiful brand new day of which our maker has made and we give Him the glory.
Today happens to be wednesday which marks as midweek for government workers .so after school,there happends to be a one day retreat at a suburb of Nsuta thus Gyetiase so i rush to that place after school because life without Christ is meaninless.


When i got there,i was a litle bit late so as at that time ,they were dacing.
Afterwards one peeson from Beposo gave as a prayer and later continue by brother Ernest for about ten munites.

It was a powerful moment so we were joined by our diocesan chairman in person of brother Frank so we welcome him and he was joined by brother Yamoah and Samson.
Later he came to give his words of exotation to us and when he was done he also brief us on our pending confrence which is ahead of us.
Later all kind of questions boardering mind were ask and we gave offertory and we close.
So around 5pm we all depart to our various places.

 3 years ago 

I am glad to see you had a good time for the retreat

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