in Steem Ghana2 years ago

Hi guys,

Welcome to my diary.

Fridays are my best days because it's the day for Jummah. For people who don't know what Jumamh is; it is where Muslims go to the mosque for a special prayer which comprises of only 2 rakkats. So any one who meets this prayer doesn't perform zuhr because it represents zuhr as well.

So now let's come back to tye beginning. Today I was able to wake up early just in time for fajr congregational prayers at the mosque. Since it's harmattan before I went out I made sure to put some warm clothes on because even after I performed ablution I felt the cold already attacking me so I realized outside wouldn't be good.

So I was able to get to the mosque just in time and I performed fajr at the mosque today. When I came back I immediately went to my laptop and the first place I went to was steemit as usual to reply any notifications and to also give comments.i did this for little while and then I went back to bed.

When i woke up I went to the hall and I switched on the television to see what was going on. I watched an interview of nick pope on the Premier league TV and then I took some pictures.


After I watched some more content on television before having my breakfast.
I tool tea today so I fried some eggs eggs and then I toasted the bread.

After breakfast I came back to the room and continued to do some little work on steemit until it was almost getting to 12 do I had to prepare for prayers. I cleaned the slipper I was going to wear for prayers and then I ironed my clothes before taking my bath.


After taking my bath I prepared and went to the mosque to listen to part of the sermon cause I was already late. I went there in time to listen to part and then I was there for little prayer session before we started praying.

From the mosque I had my lunch and then rested for a while before it was time for asr.

I then went online to see the situation with the strike


I didn't see any current news on the strike but I was able to read on some things before leaving the site.

Fats forward to the evening cause nothing interesting happened again so after magrib prayers I wrote a post about transfers into the world of football community and then I had my supper.

This was how my day went.
Thanks for reading.

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