||Club 5050|| Almond And Dates Shake Recipe By@fatimawasif 10% payout to Steemwomensclub

in SteemWomen Club3 years ago


All steemwomensclub family Members and Friends I hope you are all fine and enjoying a happy life of moments.
I am also fine Alhamdulillhah with the grace of Allah.

Today i want to share almond date smoothie and its benifits.This shake will be healthfull specially to those person who are suffering from headeach, backache,feel weaknessetc.

It is especially important to applay this remedy to strengthen the brains of those who work hard like my steemwomensclub family.😊

I hope that it will be very beneficial for you.
Beacuse these problems for weakness etc are very common and every person want to be a healthy and strong life.
So i just try to help you that you reduce this problems.

Today i want to share Almond and dates shake.


So lets start it.


■ Dates 7
■ Almonds 9
■ Cold milk 1 Glass


Take the dates and almonds. soak them in water over night.



Then take half glass of milk in a blender and add dates and almonds.


Blend until the dates and almonds are well blended with milk.

Now add the remaining milk and blend everything untill to get a smoothie.


Benifits of Almonds with dates Shake


●This shake is rich in Calcium and
magnesium, which are helpful for the bones.

●Date and almond are a great laxative and
a perfect antidote to constipation.

●Almond are rich antioxidants and vitamin E.

●Both Dates and Almonds are a rich source of iron and prevent anaemia.

●Increased blood and iron will help to carry
oxygen through the body.

●This shake is perfect for kids.

●This shake helps the problems all types of the skin.

●Almonds and Dates contain lots of healthy
fats fiber and protein.

●Almond can reduce hunger and promote weight loss.

●Almonds can assist with blood sugar control.

●This shake is rich in micronutrionts like
phosphorus and calcium,its make your teeth and bones strong.

●Eating Dates and Almond with milk also strengthen skeleton system.

●This shake is very useful to reduce acne
whiteheads and blackheads.

●Almond shake helps to control the dark circles under your eyes.

●This shake is very good for hair and helps to removes all problems of hair.

●This shake provides source of energy. These
mineral not only improves strength and endurance of bones and teeth but also prevents the on set some diseases relates as osteoporosis.

●Pregnant women should have this shake in their diet.This shake are high in calories
particularly carbohydrates whis are very
beneficial for pregnant women.

●Each date contains choline,vitamin B thate is very beneficial for the learning and memory process.

●Dates are the sweetest fruit with natural sugar content it.

●This shake used per day may improve your
heart health.

I hope you will like this healthy shake and use this shake at your home and get benefit.

Thats all about my post.
l want to say that Siz is the best way to share our knowledge and learn more knowledge.

I would like to thanks to @steemwomensclub and @event-horizen who provide us a plateform where we show our skill and knowldge.

Thanks you so much to all my @steemwomensclub team for your valuable time.
Thank you so much for visiting my post😊
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Best regards from


 3 years ago 

No doubt it is Very healthy and refreshing drink. Thanks for sharing its recipe, will be trying this soon. 😍
