in SteemWomen Club3 years ago

IMG-20210606-WA0001.jpg"Local Dress Kebaya"

Hello every women wherever you are. Today I will introduce the traditional , they name is Kebaya. In Indonesia, there are many thypes and models of kebaya. Each region has special characteristic and models that are'nt the same as other region. Kebaya from Java is different from that kebaya Bali's and kebaya from sunda.
Kebaya is usually the worn by certain times.We usually used to attend the weddings, graduations, or even when being a brides. Kebaya clothes, can usually be purchased in a one sets with subordinates. Materials for making kebaya also variety,depending on the type of kebaya and originality of the region's. For Javanese kebaya usually use of velvet(beludru)materials.
An example of a thypical velvet kebaya from JAVA.
From other regions use a lot of brocade(brukats) materials . Like the use of the kebaya from sunda.
IMG_20210606_115543.jpgan example kebaya from SUNDA.
For the sub ordinates(skirts) , usually with Batik clothes with colors of the match the kebaya. The price of a set of kebaya ranges from 150 thousand to 300 thousand. The simpler the models are the lowest prices.
Now, kebaya models are increasingly diverse and more contemporary. No more old fashioned or outdated. Every woman who wears kebaya will be radiated the beauty that comes from within(inner beauty). That's my little discussion about kebaya and introduced kebaya to all beautiful women wherever you are. I hope that inspired you are. Thank you for your attention and see you again.

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