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RE: Entrevistando un Steemian

in Comunidad Latina4 months ago

Whoa, what a great interview with a famous person on steemit, Angela.

I'm also interested in the choice of diction you use in constructing a sentence. It was really satisfying to read it.

Thanks for writing such a great post my friend. I am sure you will be successful in this contest 👍

 4 months ago 

Hey there! 🌟 Thanks a bunch for your awesome words! Angela is indeed a rockstar in the Steemit universe, right? 🚀 I'm thrilled you enjoyed the way we danced with words in the interview. If constructing sentences were an Olympic sport, we'd be gold medalists! 🥇😄 Your support means the world, and hey, success in the contest is just the beginning—we're aiming for the stars! 🌌 Keep spreading those good vibes! 🙌😂

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