The Diary Game ||May 4th-May 11-2024|| Busy School Days

in Traveling Steem26 days ago

Saturday, May 4th

It was another Saturday, I woke up stressed with little plans, so I just let the day guide me instead. After we had our Breakfast and our bath, I remembered I had two girls to make hair for, I had to make one on Saturday while the other the next day which would be Sunday.

So I decided to work on Tiara's hair first. I pre-painted, her hair after 30 minutes I washed her hair with shampoo, then applied the conditioner, because we were impatient, I had to rinse it off almost immediately. Then we got into making her hair.

She wanted the hairstyle I had on, but for school, it didn't look appropriate. So I made another style, although, I will attempt the hairstyle I had, on her during their next school holiday.

Our Hair
Beautiful TT

After making her hair, which was looking nice by the way😁, she changed clothes and went out with Dada to get milky doughnuts. I was glad that finally I tasted the milky doughnut and understood the the buzz over it.

Dressed and ready
Happy Dance
Ready to go

Unfortunately, that doughnut they got was the annoying version, the milk around it tasted like nothing powder, cos those things cannot be called milk. Then the inside was supposed to have condensed milk, mixed with powdered milk as filling, 😔 we saw nothing inside.

They just used frosting outside to create a tiny stained frost, to deceive us into thinking they pipped cream feeling inside. I was disappointed, I felt cheated. They cheated my expectations and denied my imagination its mirrored view.

She enjoyed it, cos they got other snacks but she only ate the doughnuts and drank water because her mommy declined her request for a carbonated drink.

She loves doughnut

May 6

It was school week again and it was almost time to pick the kids up from school. Dada and I decided to use the back road because it was closer to the fuel station, the first fuel station was locked, the second the same while the 3rd had everyone waiting for their turns.


We were almost running out of time to pick the kids up from school, so I told Dada that I was going to take keke (tricycle) when it got to 10 minutes before, and we agreed. Then I got a call from my friend mommy Erika, she informed me that she was on her way to pick them up from school.

I thanked her and asked her to take them home, that we were at the fuel station, and will get them from her place, soon after buying fuel. We finally drove in, with more queues behind and even inside the station.

The station

It was as busy as the market and most people were wearing frowns on their faces, due to the stress of queuing for long hours and the price too. We were lucky enough to arrive when we did cos our wait time was very short.

The Queue by the side

After purchasing our fuel, we drove to mommy Erika's place to get the kids. Tiara didn't want to leave cos her bestie Erika was crying. We finally got back home, I was tired cos of the heat outside and home now felt peaceful. My hair was stressing me out, so I tied it in a way that wouldn't disturb me and enjoyed the cool breeze from the fan.

Fresh Air finally

May 7th

It was Tuesday and another school day, after dada took them to school, I ate breakfast and slept for hours because waking up early to cook and getting the girls ready for school ain't always so easy. Well, I woke up and got ready, took a few pictures just waited for it to get to the time that school closed, so I could pick them up from school.

model practice 😁
Still on it🤣

May 8

When the girls returned from school, Tiara rushed to open her bag and showed me the toy car they put in her bag, I initially thought someone was celebrating a birthday I gave everyone a toy until I saw the indomie inscription, and then she told me she won it from a maze competition.

Tiara's Toy car

Yewande wanted Tiara's toy, but she was also in the Indomie fan club, she should also have hers. I checked her bag and found her toy car, then noticed the school posted videos and pictures on WhatsApp, of the event. I noticed the kids were not much, thank God we joined on time.

Their Cars
Yewande observing
The Maze Game

May 9

It was Thursday, still another school day. Today I woke up early again, a bit earlier than usual. Because I had more work to do, before school time. I peeled and sliced the Irish Potatoes that were left, I didn't want them to get rotten, so the kids took fries to school.


For lunch, I boiled rice and made delicious pepper soup. It is funny how Tiara avoids eating pepper but loves eating pepper soup. She will ask that you remove the meat and give her just the soup, which I always include rice to ease the heat of the pepper.

Dada's Portion

Pick up
It was time to go pick the kids up from school, luckily dada was around, and I became the gate attendant since our security guy traveled. Other neighbors had their kids opening and shutting the gate for them. We have to do it ourselves, aunty Tiara and Aunty Yewande is too young to help out. The rest of the day went well.

Out in the sun
On our way to school
Back home and resting

May 10

Thank God it's Friday!!!!
I love Fridays because Saturday means sleep more, with no reason to wake up too early.
Mommy Erika informed me that she went to visit her mom and won't be able to meet up with pick up, she asked that her kids stay with me till she returned. That means more work for me 🤣.

We got home with all of them, I had to sit for a few minutes to catch my breath from the heat and the stress outside and the new ones inside too 😀. The kids said they were not hungry and already had enough food at school.

Trying to recover from the sun

I couldn't just leave them with no food, so I fried plantains and eggs for them and later gave them juice and biscuits. They turned my house into a toy shop and acted acting many pretend movies, while also eating. Finally in the evening Mommy Erika came and took her kids home.

Their Plantains and Eggs
Eating Time
The Aunties took over

May 11

Mommy Erikasaid she wanted to make the hairstyle I had on and wanted the same stylist. I informed Mommy Elliot about it, we agreed on the service charge and I exchanged their numbers with each other. Mommy Elliot later asked that I send her a picture of the weapon so she could get the same for Mommy Erika.

Front View
The back view

I later sat down and enjoyed my delicious rice and sauce with very cold water. Saturday was a bit stress-free. Thank you all for stopping by.

Rice to the rescue

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