
Hello Steemit Achievers!

Here I am again to give you little updates about our newly created community #steemitachievers.

I am happy with the response of some #stemians although we still need to work harder just as @dobartim reiterates in his post. Kindly visit this LINK if you want to learn more and acquire some tips on what we can do to help #steem.

If every month we have a hundred new journalists, the blockchain of successful personalities, if we do so many interviews then we will become much stronger, our enthusiasm and potential will jump several times. I know one thing for sure, if we don't try something then I'm sure we won't succeed. I have a lot of failures, attempts, but I never withdrew from the set goal, I changed strategies, perfected the action plan, I continued on. We just decide what to do in life, the Steem value depends on all of us individually, the sum of our value is equal to the current Steem value. - @dobartim

Let us learn from these words and slowly turn ourselves into an agent or instrument to make this world , #steemit world a wonderful place to stay.

And let us start by encouraging our friends or family members who are already in this platform but are not active for quite some time. Then let us invite our friends to join #steemit.

Going back to the update, we already have 30 subscribers and 21 active members.


I would like to give my deepest appreciation to these #stemians who subscribed to #steemitachievers as of this update. You are truly an inspiration. And I encourage everyone to visit their posts and give your undying support in any way possible, and of course to learn from them too.

Latest Steemit Achievers Subscribers:

To all of you thank you so much!


Now let me highlight those #stemians who already use the community #steemitachievers in submitting their posts:


We also have one current contest hosted and sponsored by @long888, kindly visit this LINK.

It is a simple blog writing contest with minimum of 200 words.

Here's the Mechanics and the Prize:


  • The article must be at least 200 words and up.
  • The official language will be English.
  • The topic should be related to #supernatural.
  • You must subscribe to #steemitachivers
  • Tag or invite at least 2 of your friends.
  • Use #steemitachievers as the first tag, #steemitphilippines as your second tag.
  • In order to reach most of the #steemachievers members, partakers should re-estem this blog.
  • Add a link to your post in the COMMENT SECTION below.


The first prize winner will receive 10 STEEM plus possible re-estem, comments and up-votes from all #steemitachievers’ members.
Second place will receive 3 STEEM plus possible re-estem, comments and up-votes from all #steemitachievers’ members.
The third prize winner will receive 2 STEEM plus possible re-estem, comments, and up-votes from all #steemitachievers’ members.

So that's all folks, I hope you will continue to help and support this small community.



@steemitachievers and @long888 please arrange more contest to increase user engagement and also increase subscribers.
Thanks for your hard work.

We will have another contest after the announcement of the winners of the current contest. I cannot have more at the same time because I am giving my own STEEM as prizes. Thank you!

Coin Marketplace

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TRX 0.12
JST 0.029
BTC 66280.44
ETH 3536.65
USDT 1.00
SBD 3.13