doo Doo doooo tap dancing around my house

in Actifit3 years ago

On days like today, when I feel as though I should be bald from all the hair pulling...
and all the frustration
and all the stress
and not sleeping for the last 4? 5? days (I mean - my eyes are closed. but I'm not SLEEPING. my mind is racing like I just escaped the asylum)

yeah on THOSE days. when the LAST THING on my mind is pausing what I'm doing to get my steps in...

I am SUPER DOOPER POOPER PROUD of myself for getting 10k in

Now, I just got the last 400 in.
And I know that's not GREAT for my sleep.

But ya know. How much worse can my sleep actually get.

(ummmm. watch this space tomorrow for when Future Dreem curses Past Dreem for making her sleep EXTRA worse)

hey. I got my steps in!
I battled dragons with @penderis for 6 hours. (metaphorical ones. real ones would have been oh-so-much-funnerest)
I answered all my comments. Met new peeps. Encouraged. Raged (just a bit.) Laughed (a shit ton) Hung with my girlie. (I've missed her so) and stressed that me and my boy are singing in front of 300 people on Saturday and we still don't know 2 songs. so hey!!!!!

Life is good.
REALLY good. (as Nacho would say)

I shall pretend to sleep now.
See you all in 90 minutes, when I give up the facade and begin the madness for tomorrow!!!


Oh yeah ...and want my extra Fitbit????
Well...sure!!! Go check out the post that says "surprise for the DreemPort challenge" if ya wanna try for it! I'll even pay up to $20 shipping for the winner!
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157.5 cm
0.0 kg
Body Fat


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