My Actifit Report Card: December 8 2022

in Actifitlast year

Finally, after days uncounted, I was able to visit the garden with the young trees. Shortly. I had to unload some stuff there, I had to make room in the car's trunk for a Christmas trip to the city. Coming soon.

My way brought me to the village today, though. The chestnut 🌰 I planted in Early 2021 seems to be the last one to keep its leaves.

All seems normal. Lots of work waiting for me but the way I see it, no earlier than January shall I return to gardening. The weather would not permit much before that.

Some almonds have started a new set of leaves due to a deceptively mild weather so far. But it's not even winter, yet. At least not technically.

A wild shot at building a system to harness wintertime water and keep it for irrigation come Summer.

Making it real. Unlike ...
This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on

Daily Activity, Gardening, Moving Around Office, Walking


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