My Actifit Report Card: October 15 2020

in Actifit4 years ago

Hey people!

Another end to another long day 😅. I had a good day, don't get me wrong, it was just a little tiring is all.

Work was pretty easy today and I was planning on getting off a little early but my boss called me to tell me to wait until after 3:30 for my last task of the day. I ended up ending the work day at 5 and since it's the 15th I turned in my time card with a total of 88 hours! Not bad! 8️⃣8️⃣

After work I was kind of thinking of going up the road to visit the nearest casino to me for the first time, but I eventually decided against it. Guess it wasn't meant to be 😇. With my little win at the casino a couple weekends ago, I've been thinking about trying my luck again.

The casino I played at then is three hours away, but this closer one is only about an hour and a half drive. Still, I always have a feeling of hesitation of going there. I have some kind of subconscious revulsion to the place for some reason even though I've never been there 🤣.

So instead of going out I stayed in and "watched" a terrible movie with terrible writing and acting. The plot was nonexistent as well as the horror it promised on the cover.

For now I will just relax and slowly drift off to sleep probably in the middle of watching something on tv 📺. That's my favorite way to fall asleep 🤫

Goodnight! 🌙💤😴
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