My Actifit Report Card: December 30 2020

in Actifit3 years ago

Hey people!

Long time no see 👀

Today I stumbled across a cool new app (maybe a dapp?) on Hive... it's @dbuzz and I'm really hyped about it 😂. If you haven't checked it out I welcome you to sign in and make a short little post, it's kind of addictive which is more of what this blockchain NEEDS!

And with the short format, it doesn't feel like a chore like Actifit reports can turn into if you're doing it day after day like I used to. I got burnt out but I really should get back in the habit, it's good accountability for staying active.

Today was a light day at work for me, so I didn't have that much Actifit activity at the end of the work day. I think it was somewhere between 8k-9k.

After work I relaxed, ate, and then popped on my Oculus Quest for some amazing immersive VR media. Yesterday I was inside some clubs and on the streets of Tokyo, and I was blown away so much I started crying 😭🤯. Tonight I was transported to the streets of Paris and inside the Notre Dame cathedral both before and after the fire 🔥. The scale of the building is immense, and just "being" in it was humbling. Seeing the aftermath of the fire, I was surprised to see that the damage is relatively minimal. Apart from the ceiling of course, the rest of the damage seems to be mostly cosmetic, there there is extensive support structures shoring up the massive structure just in case so it doesn't all colapse.

If you have access to a Quest, I strongly encourage exploring the "Entertainment" section of the home menu, the videos are really cool and a nice change of pace from the more interactive and social apps on the platform.

Anyways, after I was relaxing watching cool stuff, I jumped in to Thrill of The Fight and did some warm up on the heavy bag and the speedball. I then went on to fight my opponent and knocked him down in the first round but he was able to get up. I wasn't able to knock him down after that, but I won after round three and plenty sweaty and out of breath 😅.

I've been just practicing on the heavy bag and speedball since last week, and I did my first fight in the ring yesterday against the same guy. I wasn't able to knock him down at all yesterday and the whole fight was a bit of a struggle, so I'm pleased with today's fight ☺️.

Now it's time to take a shower, get ready for bed and relax... Hopefully I will be able to fall asleep at a decent hour tonight instead of last night... I think I didn't get to sleep until almost 3AM 😖 and my first morning alarm is set for 6:30.

Well, until next time...
This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on

Boxing,Daily Activity,Walking


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