My Actifit Report Card: January 4 2021

in Actifit3 years ago

Hey people!

It was a nice day today, almost felt like a spring day.

I was expecting it to be cold like it's been lately so I was dressed a little too warmly.

Work was easy and went by pretty quickly. One of my newer customers was quarantined so that made it just a little bit faster too. It seems like more and more people are getting sick around here lately. My little brother has been sick over the weekend and a couple friends have been sick since last week too.

I was feeling dizzy off and on all day and even stopped on the side of the road to rest a bit because I didn't feel safe driving. I expect it's from lack of sleep since I've been staying up too late since New Years 😅.

When I got home I got in bed to relax and rest a bit, and I did drift off a bit for a tiny nap 😴.

Since I was feeling dizzy earlier and tired from the nap, I decided to not do any VR boxing tonight. I don't like to push things too far and I don't want to endanger myself if my body is too taxed/overstimulated.

For the rest of the evening I've just been watching tv and browsing, along with playing a little rising star.

Until next time...
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Daily Activity,Walking


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