My Actifit Report Card: January 5 2021

in Actifit3 years ago

Hey people!

Today was another unexpectedly warm day again. I was overdressed again wearing all my warm underclothes and hoodie, but I didn't take the hoodie off even if I was sweating a little bit because I was committed to wearing it 😆

It was kind of an easy day, with everything being relatively clustered together. The weather this morning was grey and cloudy, which was a nice refreshing way to start! I was feeling slightly dizzy again this morning, but luckily it didn't go on all day like yesterday so I was happy about that. I'm pretty sure it's just the odd sleeping schedule I had over the New Years weekend that messed my head up a little bit. I guess it's just a sign that I'm starting to get old...

After work I came home and decided to venture into VR for a round of boxing training. Before I donned my headset though, I did 20 pushups to warm up. I did a round of heavy bag then the speed bag followed by the focus ball and then back again to the heavy bag.

I probably shouldn't have done a second round with the heavy bag, because I did something to make my right should hurt pretty bad. I took a hot shower and then put some analgesic cream that has marijuana and peyote (supposedly) in it 😂. That along with some ibuprofen has me feeling much better and I'm hoping my shoulder won't be giving me any trouble in the morning after a good nights sleep.

Until next time...
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Daily Activity,Boxing,Walking


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