My Actifit Report Card: September 9 2021

in Actifit3 years ago

Hey people!

Well here I am back for a second day in a row of writing for Actifit™️. Yesterday was just kind of one of those days that's more of a blur... I mean, it was a Wednesday so what do you expect?

My boss had his office inspection with the government people and passed with flying colors, which is great but also good because now he's not acting so neurotic and nervous 😅. Much easier on me which is nice, now just back to normalcy on the job and keep on truckin.

I came across this painting in a house the other day and it really caught my eye 👁. I love the colors and it makes me feel a certain way but I'm not sure how to describe it... But that's art I guess 🖼 🤷‍♂️ 😆

Anyways, I'm feeling kind of tired now, I was up way too late last night feeling excited about the future and stuff, probably not really warranted but whatever 😛.

I think I might play some Skyrim tonight, I recently bought it and started playing for the first time, I like it so far...

Until next time...
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Daily Activity,Walking


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