Steem Venezuela Steemit Engagement Challenge: Fast Food by @huzaifanaveed1

in Steem Venezuela2 years ago (edited)

Everyone loves Fast food. Ofcourse they do. Is there anything bad in this world not liked by the human race? Alcohol, adultery, bad food, laziness, obesity, backbiting, jealousy and the list goes on and on. Human beings were created that way, to be tempted by all the immoral, indecent and bad things. This is exactly the test that we have to go through. If you believe in the Hereafter, you'll understand what I am about to mention. This world is a prison for a believer and a paradise for a non believer. But a believer in what? What do we believe in? We believe in the Hereafter and we believe that God has a greater plan for us.

All the great men in the history books have been tested. Not because God doubted their faith, but because He wanted to replenish their faith even further. Every era has it's trials and tribulations and I believe the current era's trials are to keep oneself away from all the things being considered 'okay' nowadays. Being inconsiderate is being considered okay these days. Eating unhealthy is being considered good. Not working towards a healthier lifestyle is being considered okay. Getting indulged in immoral activities is being considered okay. It's a mess. So the person who avoids all these things, even due to extreme peer pressure, in my opinion is the person we should look upto.

Everyone loves Fastfood but it messes with your body like hell. The body wasn't created to consume all this. Why has God talked about Olives, figs, pomegranates, grapes, honey, and many more healthy things in the Old Testament, New Testament, Bible and the Holy Quran and not talked about burgers and broasts and all the other things included in Fastfood. I am sure the entity that created this entire universe knew what He was doing when he ignored all this stuff in the Holy books.

Now, living in cities like Karachi and Islamabad, it's really hard to avoid Fastfood considering that we have tons of fast-food chains all around us. It's like, we oftenly visit different fast-food restaurants and then rate them. If you're following me on Steemit, you'll know already that I am a big foodie and I have reviewed a lot of restaurants on this platform as well.

Having cafes all around you doesn't necessarily have to mean that we have to visit them on regular basis. Sometimes, my mom cooks fast-food at home as well. Let me correct it, it's always my mom who cooke fast-food at home as that's not my expertise. Apart from my Mom and I, only my dad knows how to cook, the rest of my brothers only know one thing and that is; eat. So it's usually out there in different cafes

There are at least 5,000 fast-food restaurants in Karachi. No, I am not exaggerating a bit. The market is completely saturated and yet everyday we see another joint being opened up in the locality. Now, it depends alot on the consumer's taste buds as well. I know this will give me a backlash if my friends from Karachi read this blog, but my current favorite fast-food joint belongs to Islamabad and it is:



Located in the I-8 Markaz, Islamabad, Ranchers is probably one of the best fast-food joints in Pakistan. I loved Ranchers when I tried it for the first time and I am absolutely hooked to it now.

Ranchers offers a wide variety of burgers and each one of them is unique in its taste and flavoring. There are a lot of options in beef, chicken as well as turkey. So even if you're visiting it once a month, you'll probably need an year to try all the burgers.


I visited Ranchers with my friend and ordered a deal for two which seemed economical to us. While the order was being prepared, we waited on our seats and I observed the ambience. This restaurant had a nice vibe, related to cowboys and bikers and all that stuff.


The food was served in around 20 minutes and the first bite tasted like heaven. Honestly I have never tasted a burger that good in my life. It was loaded. It was juicy and it was everything a burger should be.


The food was economical as well. It wasn't too expensive and worth every rupee. These 2 burgers costed us:


Two delicious burgers for 22 steem. I would go crazy. If you're ever in Islamabad, I'd suggest you to give Ranchers a visit

I try to keep my fast food cravings in a limit as too much consumption of fastfood will lead you to obesity. Not just obesity, fastfood is the root cause of a lot problems that almost every other person is facing these days, such as diabetes, Hypertension, hyperlipidemia etc. It's a menace to the human body. Not only does it mess with our physical health, it deteriorates our mental health as well.

For anyone reading this post, I urge you to limit your fastfood consumption. As a doctor, I am telling you that it's not good for your health and you'll be bedridden in your early 50s. If you don't want your self to be dependent on your children or anyone in General, get rid of fastfood as soon as you can.

I know, its a tough task but we gotta consider our health in the first place. My advice would be to take it slow. Don't go cold turkey on fast food as you might consume even more as a result of withdrawal symptoms. Go slow on it but be consistent. Start eating healthy food, such as vegetables and fruits which will help you a lot in a longer run.


Though it's very delicious, fastfood is extremely detrimental for your health so stop it while you can. It's okay to have fastfood once in a while but don't make it your habit. I am glad that you have read till this point. Now, for this challenge I'd like to invite @malikusman1 @tucsond and @ubongudofot to let us know about their views on fastfood and the variety of fastfood that they have in their respective countries.

Country Representative Pakistan
Huzaifa Naveed


Memang banyak orang yang suka makanan cepat saji, namun menurut saya tidak baik bagi kesehatan...

It's indeed not good at all. Leads you to obesity and then creates further complications as well

Benar sekali saudaraku, mari kita budayakan gaya hidup sehat, termasuk dalam hal makanan

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 2 years ago 

@huzaifanaveed1, stop it while you can, good advice my friend, fast food, as you say, is not good for our health if we eat it in excess.

Incredible the amount of fast food business in Karachi, that is, many obese people and those with health problems.

Ranchers is seen to be a very good business and with a wide variety of hamburgers for all tastes.

Those hamburgers look delicious, I would eat at least one of chicken.

I say goodbye wishing you success in the contest.

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That's right My Friend, Everyone must be happy with fast food, because it's fast and tastes good. Thank you for inviting me to participate in this contest.

 2 years ago 

Hello Friend

The hamburguers looks delicious the prices are good I think. Enjoy it.

Thank you very much for sharing with us.

Junito friend, a pleasure to greet you, and to read you, I really loved your post and that restaurant sells some exquisite hamburgers, taking into account that although they are not very healthy, sometimes it is good to taste them from time to time.

Nice post, it's true that having fast food regularly can be a cause of several diseases.

Very nice review my dear brother. RANCHERS is really a very outclass fast food point. I am very impressesd by the quality of the food. Thank you for sharing this beautiful shop with us. wish you best of luck.

Hola amigo. Que deliciosa hamburguesa presentas en tu foto. Felicitaciones por tu post.

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