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RE: La importancia de aprender un arte🖼️🧵✍️💗

in Steem Venezuelalast month

Sí, también me he preguntado si es falta de habilidad o voluntad, o tal vez no sea tan simple. En el caso de mi padre, a el tambien le gustaba cultivar y cuidar animales de cría, sin embargo los cambios en la estructura economica del país lo afectaron mucho, nuestro país cambio demasiado. En casa no habia donde tener estas cosas que a el le gustaban, cuando viajaba al pueblo de sus padres si podía ponerse en contacto con el campo, pero en la ciudad no era asi. Luego vino la pandemía y la cuarentena que agudizo este escenario para él. Lo que quiero explicar es que a veces las circunstancias y muchos cambios pueden afectar la vida de una persona y quedar como en el aire...

Se me ocurre que quiza la mejor preparación que podemos buscar es la de la mente y las emociones, y sin embargo seguimos siendo seres humanos, muchas veces vulnerables.

Es interesante tu pregunta, ¿que hacen los adultos despues del trabajo y volver a casa...? creo que la tomare para uno de los concursos que hago, sera interesante pensar en esto, porque describe muy bien a qué nos dedicamos, si estamos definidos por las necesidades, los intereses o los gustos...

Muchas gracias por pasar 🤗💗


The average person quickly forgets about wishes and dreams and is thrown into the hardships of life. If no like minded it's hard to actively search for a way.
My grandfather had nothing and left with his brother. Both autodidacts, full of dreams and they became millionairs.
My father had noth8ng but realized his dream over the back of my mother and next left. They had a partly shared interest (workfield)
Free thinkers need free thinkers, writers writers and musicians music (lovers).
A certain character is needed to be an autodidact and school yourself. Next to that also selfishness because it's important tohave time for yourself even if you just sit and do nothing. It is the time needed for reflection, to feel if you are still okay.

What I noticed from US programs is the24/7noise, always a radio on, not pne but 3 tv sets and no one watches. The average human is afraid of the silence it's the same with many in tje Netherlands foreigners way more. Never a moment of silence. It changes people.

If home we hug the animals, drink tea, chat about our days. Next we eat and drink tea afterwards and it's time for homework. In between we keep the fire on and ask another if we question something. We sit in silence and once finished we read, write, arebusy with our hobbies and once it's winter we watch more films.

We have no time to hang on a couch we are busy. If we wonder than we search for answers or try it out to experience it ourselves (this is typical for intelligent people/thinkers).

If you ask the question please mention me. I love to read it. It can help to realize that a habit can be changed and everything is posdible at any age.

Like being a painter if you are 80+and nearly blind.

A great day to you


A good comment, it's worth to be read and deserves to be upvoted 👍
